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‘I didn’t know where you were. Or if there’d be staff around.’

‘No staff. I like my privacy.’

She expelled a sigh. ‘So who keeps the place this clean?’

‘I live by myself, and work long enough hours to mean I’m rarely here. It’s not hard.’

There were so many questions she wanted to ask him. Out of nowhere, Sienna wondered what it would have been like if they’d met differently. If he weren’t Luca’s friend, and if she hadn’t resolved, a long time ago, that her husband would be someone gentle and soft, someone completely non-threatening—the exact opposite to her father. But even if that were the case, she wasn’t the kind of woman he usually went out with. He’d have bored of her way, way too soon, and she’d likely have been left broken-hearted, if she were ever stupid enough to give him her heart. This was definitely for the best.

‘You’re wearing a suit.’

He glanced down at his arms then returned his blue-grey eyes to her face. ‘You’re observant.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t tease.’

‘But it’s so fun.’ He snaked out a hand and caught her at the waist, pulling her towards him. ‘Will you still be naked tonight?’

‘Waiting for you in the pool, you mean?’

‘Excellent.’ He nodded.

She laughed softly. ‘That was not intended as a confirmation.’

He tilted her face up. ‘That won’t stop me imagining. Dreaming.’


‘I never hope on other people’s actions.’

‘Too much room for disappointment?’

‘Something like that.’

‘You’re a cynic.’


Her breath was growing thick, hard to control, and her lungs hurt from the effort, as though she’d run a marathon.

‘Raul’s number is on the fridge.’ His hand rose to her breast, stroking it possessively. ‘Call him if you’d like to go anywhere in particular.’

She blinked, the desire he was invoking so easily at war with the words he was speaking. ‘You’re leaving?’ It was the only conclusion.


‘So early?’

‘This isn’t early for me. It’s when I always leave.’

And he wasn’t about to change his plans for her. Message received. ‘Got it.’ She smiled, even when a strange lurching feeling gripped her stomach.

But he didn’t leave. He stood there, touching her, looking at her, and she knew he was as tempted as she was. At least, she guessed he was, but after a moment he broke away, turning back to the kitchen and retrieving his jacket. He shrugged into it with all the panache of a male model.

‘Text if you need anything.’

‘I won’t.’

He frowned. ‘Good.’ He hesitated again. Why? She wished she understood him better. ‘I’ll see you tonight.’
