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‘Yes. Travelling was the last thing on any of our minds.’ She sipped the drink, relishing the flavours. ‘It tastes like summer.’

‘As it’s supposed to.’

‘I was thinking, the other day, how money can open the world up to you. I would never have been able to come to Barcelona to see you, before...’

‘Olivia’s marriage to Luca,’ he prompted.

‘Right. It’s only that some of my father’s inheritance has been freed up that we have that liberty now.’

‘What about your job? It doesn’t involve travel?’

‘No. In fact, I work from home. It’s the only way.’


She traced her finger around the rim of the glass. ‘My mother didn’t want Olivia or me to leave,’ she admitted. ‘And we didn’t feel that we could. She might seem like an awful person, and in so many ways she is, but at the same time she’s my mother, and I do love her, Alejandro. More than that, I pity her. She’s a product of my father’s monstrous behaviour. I’ve got enough perspective to see that she’s spent my entire life projecting her own insecurities onto me.’

He was watching her through hooded eyes, seeing too much and revealing nothing.

‘Anyway...’ She sucked in a breath, eager to move the conversation on. ‘Travel wasn’t really a big priority. Until it was.’

He leaned closer, and beneath the table their knees brushed, reminding her of the leather trousers she wore, the trousers he’d bought for her.

‘These are the perfect size, by the way.’

He didn’t miss a beat. ‘It’s almost like I remember every delectable inch of your body.’

Her stomach flipped.

‘Well enough to describe it to a sales assistant.’

‘I hope not.’ She looked away, heat flaming her face.

He laughed softly.

‘So is this all part of your usual modus operandi?’ She took a larger gulp of her drink.

‘What, in particular?’

‘Buying women clothes, jewels, making them feel as though they are the only woman on earth for a night.’

He straightened. ‘Is that what I’ve done?’

Her heart seemed to tighten. He was surprised. No, he was scared, as though she’d suggested he might be about to propose marriage. Damn her straight talking! Damn her inability to think anything through.

‘I’m only joking,’ she lied, rolling her eyes for good measure. ‘I’m just asking what the norm is for you. When you date women.’

‘I don’t date, remember?’

Something jolted in her chest. ‘You know what I mean. I’ve seen photos of you with women, at events.’

‘Sure. As a prelude to sex, nothing more.’

Her stomach turned. She felt hot and cold, and not in a good way. Panic set in, so she reached for her drink once more, sipping it slowly, to buy time, hoping she looked more relaxed than she felt. Why did such a cold assessment of his nocturnal activities make something in her belly spin out of control?

The waitress reappeared to take their order, and Sienna sat back while Alejandro spoke, listing a selection of dishes that she could partially understand.

When they were alone again, she felt a little more clear-headed; her heart—so used to being battered—had recovered as it always did.
