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“When I get excited about something I have a hard time hiding it,” she joked with a shrug.

“It’s beautiful,” I said honestly.

“You’re charming, too?” she said, throwing up her hands in frustration. “You’re not supposed to be charming when you look like that.”

“Sorry, honey,” I said with a laugh, catching her hands. I pulled them down and around to the base of her spine, holding them lightly. I wanted her to know that she could pull away if she wanted, but she didn’t.

“I wanna be your friend,” I said, our noses just inches apart. “And I’ll be your roommate, help you save some more for the big purchase.”

“Well, that’s kind of you, friend.”

“But I want you in my bed,” I said, leaning closer.

“Not a good idea.”

“Maybe not, but I have a feelin’ it’ll happen.”

“Then we’ll just make sure it doesn’t.”

“Can’t promise that. Can you?”

She didn’t answer.

I let go of her wrists and gripped her waist. She wasn’t skinny in the traditional sense, she had an ass on her that made my mouth water, and she was muscular in a way that you knew she worked at it.

I slid my fingers just under her t-shirt.

“Shit,” I muttered. “May as well know what we’ll be missing.”

Charlie must’ve agreed with me because before my mouth hit hers, she’d wrapped her fingers around the back of my head and pulled me toward her. The kiss from earlier had been staggering, but this one was like lightning striking. We both went nuts.

My hands roamed frantically, sliding up her sides and down her hips, tangling in her hair and wrapping around her throat. Hers were just as busy. She traced my arms from wrists to biceps, scratched her nails along the back of my neck, smoothed her palms down over my ass and over the fly of my jeans. Before long, my fingers were spread wide over her ass and I barely had to boost her up as she gave a little hop and wrapped her legs around my waist.

I didn’t bother trying to get her on the bed, I couldn’t even think that far in the future. Protecting the back of her head with my hand, I braced her back against the wall for leverage as her hips rolled.

Charlie tore her mouth from mine. “Holy hell,” she whispered with a groan. Her legs tightened as she jerked her hips harder against mine.

“Jesus, you’re pretty,” I mumbled, watching as she tilted her face toward the ceiling. I put my mouth against her throat and sucked, making her gasp.

“Please tell me you have a small dick,” she said, startling me.

“Say what?” I asked, pulling back.

“There has to be something wrong with you,” she said, tipping her head back down to look at me. She laughed. “A tail? Anything?”

“Sorry, no tail,” I replied. “And you can feel me.” I pressed her harder against the wall. “That feel small to you?”

“Well, shit,” she muttered, grinning.

“You’re a fuckin’ trip,” I said, my mouth twitching.

“And you, friend, are quite possibly the hottest man I’ve ever seen.” She sighed and dropped her head against my shoulder.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” I replied. As her legs loosened around my waist, I knew the moment was over.

“It’s not a bad thing,” she said, gently kissing my neck before shifting so I’d set her back on her feet. “It’s just going to make you hard to resist.”

“Then why are you fightin’ it so hard?” I asked seriously as I dropped my arms to the sides and stepped back. “It’s not about the roommate thing. You’ve been keepin’ your distance for months.”

She laughed a little and walked around me, reaching up to fix her hair. As I turned to watch her, she strode toward the middle of the room, first letting her long blonde hair fall in waves around her before pulling it up with both fists and wrapping it into a knot on top of her head.

“You’re gonna be a problem,” she said to me easily, shrugging her shoulders. “And I knew it from the first time I saw you eye fucking me across the parking lot at the apartments.”

“Eye fucking you?” I asked, remembering that first day when I’d come to find Draco and found her, too.

“I was carrying a bag of garbage, for fuck’s sake,” she said with a huff, still smiling. “And you were still looking at me like you were starving.”

“I’m not seein’ the problem.”

“I’ve got plans,” she said almost apologetically. “Big ones.”

“I’m not gonna stop you,” I replied, seriously. “Shit, Charlie. I want you to succeed. I wanna watch you succeed.”

“I believe that,” she said, nodding. “But if I get all caught up in you, I’m going to lose focus.”


“Have you ever heard the saying, right person, wrong time?”

I just looked at her.

“You’re fantastic,” she said quietly.

I wanted to walk out right then and there. I was all for knowing that we were trying to keep our hands to ourselves so things didn’t get awkward in the house, but this was different. This felt like she was trying to let me down easy or some shit and I didn’t want to hear it. It was a fucking break-up and we weren’t even together.
