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“Goddamn,” Bishop said from somewhere behind me, making me freeze in place. “Please, don’t stop.”

“Ha,” I said, spinning to face him. “No free shows in this house.”

“I’ll pay,” he replied, lips twitching as he reached for his wallet.

“I don’t know what you’re paying for and I don’t wanna know,” Draco said as he strolled into the kitchen. “Just getting another beer.”

“Hey, why aren’t you unpacking?” I asked.

“I am,” he replied, saluting me with his beer. “Makin’ the bed right now.”

“Wait,” I said, frowning. “You already rebuilt your bed?”

“Kara’s pops helped me when we moved it in.”

“Well that’s bullshit,” I replied, waving the handful of forks at him. “No one built my bed.”

“Should’ve asked,” Draco said simply, flicking the cap of his beer at me as he walked away.

“You don’t have a maid just because you moved in with two women,” I yelled at him, bending down to grab the bottle cap so I could throw it at him. “Don’t throw shit on the floor.”

Draco just laughed.

“I’ll help ya build it,” Bishop said easily.

I stared at him, debating the merits and pitfalls of having him in my room, that close to my mattress, building shit. Using tools. Looking like a fucking Greek god. While I wasn’t sure if I could keep my goddamn hands to myself, I also needed somewhere to sleep that night.

“I accept,” I said finally, tossing the forks into the drawer. “Come on.”

“Let me grab my tools out of the truck,” he said. “You’re upstairs?”

I nodded. “The only room with anything in it.”

“I’ll find you,” he said with a grin.

Well, shit.

While he went outside, I jogged up the stairs to my room. There were boxes everywhere, with no rhyme or reason to their placement, and I started moving them against the walls to make room for my bed. I couldn’t believe my dad hadn’t built it when they’d carried it upstairs, but I knew Draco was right. I should have fucking asked him to. There were so many moving parts, my dad probably just figured someone else had done it.

“Damn,” Bishop said as he stepped inside the room. “How did you score the big room?”

“It’s actually smaller than Kara and Draco’s,” I said with a huff, setting a box down against the wall by my closet. “Their room is downstairs and it’s massive.”

“This house is the shit.”

“I know, right?” I said with a laugh. “We got lucky when the old renters moved out. They didn’t trash the place and Tommy barely had to do anything before we were able to move in.”

“This is one of Tommy’s houses?”

I snorted. “Uh, yeah,” I said, brushing my hair out of my face. “We probably couldn’t afford it otherwise, especially with the college kids downstairs only working part time.”

“Aren’t you a college kid, too?” he asked, setting his tool belt down by the door. I wondered for a split second if he’d put it on for me and do a little turn around the room. Just for entertainment sake. And, you know, so I could think about it later when I was alone.

“I’m almost done,” I said, stuttering a little at the picture I’d painted for myself. “Plus, I work full time.”

“Busy,” he commented.

“I like it,” I replied with a shrug. “I’ve never been one to sit around.”

“Same,” he said. He was watching me and it was irritating as hell because I had to fight the urge to fidget.

“So,” I said, a little too loudly. “That’s the bed.” I swung my hand toward where the pieces rested against the wall.

“Really?” he asked, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You sure?”

“Oh shut it,” I replied, the spell broken. “I want it right here with the headboard against this wall.”

“Alright,” he said. He leaned down to undo the laces of his boots.

“What are you doing?” I asked accusingly.

“Takin’ my boots off.”


“Because I’m gonna be crawlin’ around on your floor and I don’t know what’s on ’em,” he answered easily.


“You don’t have to be so jumpy around me,” he said as he padded over to the bed pieces. “I’m not gonna attack you.”

“I don’t think you’re going to attack me,” I argued. Then as an afterthought, “And I’m not jumpy.”

“You’re jumpy as fuck,” he replied dryly. “We slept together once—”

“With our clothes on!”

“And I wouldn’t mind doin’ it again,” he continued, ignoring my interruption. “But that’s up to you.”

“You wouldn’t mind doing it again?” I sputtered.

“Oh, come on,” he said, sorting through the pieces. “You know what you look like. Can’t imagine you’re short on people who want to see you naked.”

“You haven’t seen me naked.”

He licked his lips, still not looking at me. “Unfortunately, true.”

“And you’re one to talk,” I said, unsure why I was even trying to argue with him. “You look like that.”

“I look like what?” he said, turning his head to meet my gaze.
