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“If you think I have any tender feelings for the British then you haven’t spent any time in London. They have no love for our kind there.”

“I’ve spent my fair share, and I don’t disagree. The question is what are you going to do about it?”

Cal pretended confusion. “What can I do? Campaign for MP? Callahan Kelly—thief for Parliament.”

“I’m being serious, Kelly.”

“So am I. That’s why I came to the rally. To do what I can.”

MacDonald draped his hand over the back of the bench. “What if I told you, you could do more?”

Cal smiled. “Then I’d think you wanted money. I don’t have any to speak of.”

“Not money. We have money. We need men. Loyal men.”

“Who’s this we?” He pretended to look behind him. “You and Miss MacDonald?”

Sean MacDonald shook his head. “Aoife doesn’t trust you. She thinks the English sent you.”

Cal blew out a dismissive breath, praying Donnelly had kept his secret. Cal had to believe Donnelly hadn’t talked or Cal would already be dead. “The English sent me? That’s one I haven’t heard before.”

“Have you ever heard of Innishfree?” MacDonald’s gaze was sharp, and Cal was thankful for his years spent at the gambling tables. He knew he gave nothing away.

“No, but if I had to guess I’d say it’s a small town.”

“It’s the name of a group of Irish patriots. We want the repeal of the Act of Union and a free Ireland.”

“Sure and don’t we all?” Cal said, making to stand up as though the conversation was a mere fancy. MacDonald pulled him back down.

“But we’re willing to make it happen.”

Cal narrowed his eyes, looking more serious. “The English will never give in.”

“Oh, I think the English can be persuaded.”

Cal shook his head. “You don’t know them as well as I do then. Only a war will persuade them, and Ireland isn’t the Colonies, half a world away.”

“We bring the war to their doorstep then.”

Cal didn’t have to remind himself to stop smiling or to look shocked. He’d known this was where it was going. He’d suspected all along, but to hear MacDonald say it, still shook him.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, my compatriots and I are planning a trip to a town in England. Not London, but a town that will draw some notice. We plan some mischief there. Make sure the government knows Innishfree is behind it and our demands.”

“The English won’t give in.”

“Not right away, no. But England has so many towns, so we have many targets to choose from.”

Cal was quiet. Rule two was never to appear too eager. He furrowed his brow. “What kind of mischief?”

“A fire or an explosion. Something to make the queen take notice.”

“Someone could be hurt.”

“People die in wars, Kelly. It’s the sacrifice we make for freedom.”

“Was Donnelly a sacrifice?” He hadn’t thought it out before saying it, but now that MacDonald was laying his cards on the table, Cal knew he had to do the same.
