Page 48 of Bend Toward the Sun

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“Don’t let him push you too hard. I wish I was around to help.”

“It’s actually a good thing. I’m too tired at night to dream. I guess I should be thanking him.”

“Have you thought about staying?” she asked.

“Staying where? Here? In the valley?” Harry said.

“Sure. Why do you sound so surprised?”

“Ah, I don’t know. Sinclair’s keeping my position open at her practice if I come back within a year.”

“Stay. Be a rural doctor. I’m sure the women in this county would love not having to go into the city for their wellness and prenatal care.”

“Slow down,” Harry chuckled. “I still have a life in L.A., Arden.”

“Do you, though?”

His smile fell and he evaded the question. Luckily, she let him off the hook, changing the subject to their parents’ plans for the new property, and Arden’s current class load. She fretted about how the first semester of her sophomore year was nearly over, and she still hadn’t decided on a major.

It felt restorative and a little surreal for Harry, discussing college with his baby sister. He’d been eleven when she was born, the only one of the boys who’d wanted to hold her. She’d fascinated and delighted him—the swirl of dark hair on the top of her head, and her fuzzy brow wrinkled in a perpetual infant scowl. Her perfect, nearly translucent fingernails, and the little roll of chub at her wrists.

The day he met her was the day he knew he wanted to be a doctor.

Colby Everett came by again, working the crowd, chitchatting and thanking everyone for coming. He lingered with Harry and Arden a bit longer than he did with others.

“That dude has a crush.” Harry nodded in Colby’s direction as he moved on to other guests.

With an unreadable look, Arden watched him go. “I know.”

“Does he know you’re heading back to school on Sunday?”

Her answering smile was mischievous. “Nope.”

“That’s cruel, Arden.”

“I only met him tonight, Harry,” she chided. “He’s practically a stranger. I don’t owe him a status update.”

“You give him your number?”

“Nope.” She made a littlepopsound on the last syllable. “He didn’t ask.”

“I guarantee, Colby Everett and his trendy man bun are going to be at our place on Monday asking around about you.”

“Let him wonder.” Arden’s eyes twinkled, then narrowed. “Speaking of crushes—tell me about Rowan.”

Harry coughed out a laugh and looked away. “Not sure what you’re talking about.”

“Spill it, big guy.” She pinched him behind his elbow.

“Ow. Seriously, it’s too soon.”

“Respectfully disagree. Nicola’s been out of the picture for a long time, Harry.”

“You’re a menace.” He couldn’t look at her. Arden was too much like Ma, that same soul-piercing perceptiveness in her eyes, same stubborn tilt of her chin. She’d see right through him if he met her gaze.

“I saw Rowan kiss you, bud.”

“That wasn’t a kiss. That was a cheek peck gone wrong. It was nothing.”
