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An impact that doesn’t come. Because Vaughn barely even slows as he walks past us, jutting his chin at my brother and Rux with less than a glance for me. “Good game tonight.”

I wait for the inevitable explosion, but the guys beside me are as shocked as I am. And then Vaughn is gone, disappearing into the crowd behind us. The breath rushes from my lungs, leaving me lightheaded as Greg shakes his head. “What the hell was that?”

“Fuck if I know.” Rux pats my shoulder reassuringly. Like I can relax. It’s over. The big bad monster is gone. “Probably just trying to stir shit up.”

“Seriously?” I ask, looking from one to the other with enough disappointment in my tone they both cringe. “That’s your takeaway from what just happened? The guy compliments your game and you think he’s looking for a brawl?”

Greg’s arms cross and Rux is suddenly interested in his phone.

Just then, Julia comes sashaying over. A couple longnecks in each hand. Her smile bright and wide. “What’d I miss?” she asks, pushing up to her toes to kiss Greg’s stubborn jaw.

“Nothing.” I clink my beer against all of theirs and take a long swallow.

Nothing except Vaughn Vassar being underestimated again and his quick thinking saving my butt.

* * *

It’s almost two a.m.and I’ve been home for fifteen minutes, but even the familiar lull ofNHL Tonightisn’t having its usual calming effect.

I’m reaching for the remote when there’s a knock at my door. My heart stumbles, picking up a beat. It’s him. Who else would it be?

Pushing up from the couch, I smooth my hands over my T-shirt, telling myself to be calm, that the jump in my pulse isn’t because I’m relieved he’s here. Telling myself that I wasn’t waiting for him. Right, because I always watch TV this late when I have to be at work at seven.

I’m such a liar.

Vaughn’s waiting on my front stoop when I open the door, his arms braced on the frame in a stance nearly identical to the one from the other night. Only the energy coming off him now is different. Still intense, but where last time he was agitated, defensive almost… tonight he’s friendly. In a scowly, so-hot-it-hurts kind of way.

“Your brother give you any flak?” he asks, pushing off the frame and walking into my apartment before I can invite him. It ought to offend me, but I find myself smiling instead, the butterflies in my belly doing a nervous little dance.

“No one was paying attention to me or how I was acting around you,” I say, following him down to the recessed living area. “I’m actually kind of embarrassed I thought they would.”

Hands shoved in his pockets, he pulls his chin back with a frown. “Why’s that?”

Really? “Umm, because in a room full of professional hockey players, the last person anyone is going to notice is me.” Heck, my own parents barely notice me in a room with justoneplayer.

He makes a scoffing sound and drops onto my couch. “People notice you plenty.” And oh man, he’s doing that thing with his shoulder again and I’m a little nervous I might start to drool.

Swallow, Nat!

He rubs at his left pec with the heel of his hand, dragging it back in one of those mysteriously masculine moves potent enough to leave me breathless.

The corner of his mouth climbs perilously higher. “Inotice you.”

There’s something in his tone—something taunting and amused—that has my eyes snapping up to meet his, and the whole shoulder-and-chest-porn business clicks. My mouth drops into a gape, and my cheeks start to flame. “You were doing it…on purpose?”

And then he’s laughing, those granite-hard eyes crinkling at the corners. “Come on, can you really blame me? Having not just any beautiful woman’s eyes on me but—”

“Greg Baxter’s sister’s?” I offer, maybe just to remind myself of who this man is and why I’ve always known I couldn’t actually have him.

He shakes his head, any trace of laughter gone. “No, the girl who left me in a hotel room in Vancouver. The one who turned me inside out and then was gone so fast, all I had left was the memory of how sweet she tasted coming on my tongue.”

On. His. Tongue.

Geez. I’m not sure whether I’m more embarrassed or turned on, but that clench between my legs and hitch in my breath says I might be lying again. Because I remember what it was like having his mouth on me too. The feel of that sexy mess of overlong hair sliding through my fingers and against my thighs. My back to the wall and one leg thrown over his shoulder. How he devoured me like he couldn’t get enough and then how he slowly came to his feet and kissed me again. His tongue slicking against my own.

“Vaughn.” I can barely hear my own voice. His eyes meet mine and hold for one awful moment when I realize that if he comes to me, if he says my name, it’s over. I won’t be able to resist. I won’t walk away.

I won’t stop to think about what’s at stake for either of us.
