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“That’s not what I’d do,” I say, my voice gravelly low.

Her lips part and then she asks quietly, “Why not?”

The shyness that gets to me in ways nothing and no one else can is there, goading me on. Making me take it further.

“Because after dinner, I’d take your hand to help you up. And even though I’m trying to be good, even though I know better—” my fingers slide around the back of her neck, weaving into her dark curls, “—something happens when we touch.”

“What?” she asks, breathless and beautiful.

“You look at me like you are right now.” I bow my head toward hers. “And all the good intentions in the world aren’t enough to stop me.”


But whatever she’s about to say next gets lost in the brush of my mouth against hers. This wasn’t part of the plan. It’s a mistake and we both know it, but when her hand moves to my chest, her fingers closing in the fabric, all I can think isthis is right.

I kiss her again, groaning as I sink into the softness of her mouth, tasting the quake of her breath and the give of her lips opening beneath mine. The tentative stroke of her tongue against mine. Shy and bold.


My arm tightens around her waist, gathering her closer until she’s pressing into me with all those sweet curves and light touches. Clinging and holding. She feels so good.

“Allie,” I rasp against the skin along her neck, breathing her in while I try to hold myself back.

We’re not alone. Not really.

She tugs me closer, and the part of me that’s been waiting for her since Vancouver snaps. I’m all over her. My hands are in her hair, on her ass, and—when I hear that soft whimper that matches the one that’s been haunting my dreams for the better part of a year—pulling at the back of her knee so it’s hitched against my side and I can feel where she’s warm and soft against my thigh.

More. I angle her head back to deepen my kiss, thrusting with my tongue the way I want to be with my dick. And holy hell, the way she moans around me has my hands fisting in her jeans as her hips rock into mine.

Snapshots of every fuckable surface in the room flash through my mind. The table, wall, and door… The hip-high stack of boxes to my left—

A clatter sounds from the hall, and Natalie jerks back with a yelp.

I reach for her hand, not caring who’s there, if it’s her brother or my coach or fucking TMZ. But she skirts away, checking her clothes and touching her mouth with shaking hands like she’s trying to erase the evidence of our kiss.

“Hey, it’s okay.”

She nods tightly, eyes shooting to the empty doorway where there’s more rustling from the hall and some muffled cursing. “I don’t think anyone saw us.” She takes another step back. “I shouldn’t have done that. It was a mistake.”

Whoa. Shaking my head, I cut another glance at the door and, stepping closer, lower my voice. “The hell it was. Allie, we could—”

A guy in a red volunteer shirt steps through the doorway, stops, and pales.

“Oh shi— Umm, Mr. Vassar, I didn’t realize you were still here,” he says, juggling a box that looks like he took it bowling.

“Vaughn had a couple of donations he forgot to bring in earlier,” Natalie says too quickly, putting a few more feet between us. But the guy hasn’t taken his eyes off me.

Forcing my feet to move, I meet him and take the box before he dumps it again.

“Th-thanks.” He sounds like he’s afraid I’m going to pull his shirt over his head and sock him. “You know you can take off, right?”

I don’t want to take off. I want to take Natalie in my arms and bury my face in her hair while she breathes against my neck. I want to carry her heavy boxes and then give her a ride back to my place so I can lose myself in her body, so deep and so good, she forgets all the reasons this is a mistake. We both do.

Natalie shoves her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and doesn’t quite meet my eyes. “Yeah, you’ve got a game tonight. You ought to get some sleep… or whatever you do.” Then, like she knows I’m going to try to get her to come with me, she directs her next words to the guy. “I’ve got some paperwork to wrap up, you want to make sure Vaughn gets out okay?”

He looks like he’s going to swallow his tongue, so I hold up a hand. “I know my way. Nice job today. Thanks for your help, Natalie.” I wait until her eyes meet mine. “See you after the game.”

Chapter 10
