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Chapter 8


Iclimb back over her, wanting to kiss her again, not just because she doesn’t get kissed enough, but because it feels so damn good. Kissing has never been like this. And all I can think is, it’s the friendship balancing the freedom. Like somehow the trust and soul-deep affection I have for this woman, combined with the freedom and fun of what we’re doing this one time… it’s like it’s acting as an accelerant making everything between us burn hotter.

That, and I love giving Cammy what she wants. Granted, it’s normally not a kiss or a few hours rolling around in bed, but there is nothing as satisfying as watching the smile spread across her face when I surprise her with something she didn’t expect.

So I sink into the kiss again, reveling in the feel of her hands in my hair, the bare skin of her legs sliding up mine.

And somehow we find ourselves back in that desperate place, devouring each other like we can’t stop. We’re rocking together, grinding like teenagers. Both in our underwear, close enough to naked that every roll and press and tease has my head ready to blow off.

I want her. I want her hard and fast, and slow and gentle. I want her on her knees while I take her from behind, I want her looking up into my eyes, I want my face buried between her legs and my name echoing off the walls. I want her a thousand more ways than those.

And while I doubt very much that it’s even half as bad as I want her, Cammy wants me too.

I can feel it in the clench of her fists in my hair, the squeeze of her thighs, the way her breath breaks when we move together. And if that isn’t telling enough, those curvy little legs are sliding higher up my sides, and she’s nudging at my shorts.

“Take these off… Need you.”

“Fuck yes.”

I pull her up with me, and we’re both pushing at the clothes remaining between us. I get her bra, while she frees the man of steel. Her panties are next and—Christ—I can’t wait.

Reaching between our bodies, I groan, finding her slick and ready. Silky soft and desperate for my touch.

There’s a moment when my control seems perilously close to gone, where having her pussy so wet for me has me ready to blow like some unschooled virgin. But no way. Not after I told her what a big hot hockey stud I was.

I don’t lose my cool.

I don’t lose control.

I do not struggle to abide by the golden rule… She comes first.

But with Cammy…

I press a finger inside her, stroking, exploring her body to discover all its most sensitive secrets.


Like that one right there. That sweet spot that has her breath breaking against my lips, and her inner walls clenching tight around me.

So hot. I need more, more of my name on her lips, more of that surprised startled gasp, more of what happens when I stroke and press and play right there–

“Oh my… Right there… Just like… Rux!”

Holy hell, she’s going to be the end of me.

And when she’s done coming against my hand, looking up at me with those wide eyes that make me feel like I’ve done something so much more than what I have, I can’t take it.

“Baby, I’ve got to get inside you.”

“Yes, now, please.”

“Where are your condoms?”

And that’s when everything comes to a screeching halt and the man of steel dies a sad little death.

There’s such despair in her eyes it would almost be funny, if it weren’t so painfully tragic.
