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“Innocent?” There isn’t an innocent bone in Rux’s body.

“Mostly innocent. After ‘apply within,’ no way I wasn’t going to ask. Especially with that picture burning a hole in my pocket the last two days.”

I can feel my smile stretching wider. “So I’m not the only one mildly obsessed with that picture?”

Hehmms and I can all but see him stretched out in bed, that naughty smirk at full tilt.

“Cammy, I about choked on my tongue when it popped up on the plane. And all I wanted to do was stare at the damn thing the whole weekend, but I seriously would have had to put my fist into someone’s face if they’d seen you like that... even accidentally.”

“You are such a sweetheart. But no punching teammates.”

“Yeah, I know. Hence the whole burning-a-hole-in-my-pocket thing.”

“I had to bury it in a folder so it didn’t just pop up if someone young and impressionable happened to open my phone.” But yeah, I’m looking at it now.


“Rux, from one friend to another… Your body is crazy. I can’t believe they don’t have you doing underwear shoots.”

“Had an offer, but I’m a private guy.”

At this I cough. “You are not. You have no shame. You’re the biggest goof I know.”

“Sure, but that’s with my friends. On my terms. Didn’t like the idea of someone else being in charge of how much of me was out there.”

“I get it. Do you mind that I have this picture? I can totally delete it.” It would break my heart, but I absolutely would.

“What, don’t talk crazy. I love that you have this picture.” He groans and from the sound of it, I know he’s looking at it now too. “Thatwedo. And I can’t tell you how much better I feel about you ogling my wicked ripped abs since I’ve been rocking a semi every time I even think about your golden lasso.”

“Shut up,” I say with a grin, but just the thought is enough to have that now-familiar heat churning low in my belly and my legs pressing together.

“About the panties.” No way he was going to drop it. “What do they say today? ‘Wrong way’ across the ass? ‘Slippery when wet’? More superheroes?”

I can’t even believe I’m doing this, but I inch down my leggings to peek at whatever I put on this morning. Rolling my eyes, I sigh.

I shouldn’t.

“I hear you debating over there. Just tell me. Or you could snap another picture. That would be totally okay too.”


“Tell,” he urges, his voice lower, with shades of bedroom I’ve never paid attention to before.

I mumble my answer, burying my face in my hands even though he can’t see me.

“What was that?” he coughs out. “I could swear you said, ‘happy meal.’”

“They were from a bachelorette party! And I swear most of my panties don’t say stuff like that. The ones from yesterday had Tinkerbell on them.”

“Tink? Damn, that’s weirdly hot. Also, not sure I believe you. May have to take a tour of the panty drawer when I get back tomorrow. Eleven work for you?”

My cheeks are starting to hurt from how hard I’m smiling. “Straight from the airport, huh.”

“Hell, yes.” God, he’s giving me that low rumbly voice again. “And would I be right to assume I’ll get to meet the much-reveredBobduring this tour?”

I gasp, but it’s mostly laugh. “You would be wrong. Bob lives in the back of my nightstand.”

A sort of strangled sound comes through the line. “Cammy, you can’t tell me that. You tell me ‘no’and call me a perv.”
