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“You ready?” he asks, slowly rocking his hips into me.

“Yesss. So ready.”

“Then hold on.”

Chapter 12


“So you saw him yesterday and it was totally normal. Like justfriendsfriends?” Julia asks two days later, clutching her beer to her chest as fans filter around us finding their seats in the arena.

“Yeah. But we agreed Matty wouldn’t see anything change between us. So even if my heart starts to skip when Rux walks in, there’s no kissing or flirty fooling around in front of impressionable children who might get the wrong idea.”

“Yeah but Matty is always darting off for something. Rux didn’t do one of those accidentally-on-purpose stunts where he drags his knuckles along the outside of your boob when you get thirty seconds alone?”

My face scrunches up. “Is that one of his signature moves or something?”

“No. But... I mean, if you guys are going for the full benefits package, it seems like maybe you ought to be getting more benefits, is all.”

I shake my head trying not to get too caught up in thoughts of how many benefits I’ve enjoyed already.

So many.

So good.

I take a steadying breath. “I’m pretty confident I’ll be getting more of Rux’spackage. But the stuff with Matty is pretty important to me. And it actually means a lot to me that it’s important to Rux too. He gets it. We’re going to be friends no matter what. And while what we’re doing is really, really fun for us... it’s not really fair to put something in front of Matty that isn’t going to be there permanently.”

She nods and takes a sip of her beer. Then another.

“But not even one little kiss when Matty is in the other room?”

“Just the same little peck on the top of my head I’ve been getting since about the second night we met.”

Another nod. Another swallow.

“So does that mean you guys aren’t going to be all over each other after the game?”

I don’t really know what to expect after the game. “Honestly, I kind of think it’s going to be business as usual while we’re out. I mean, we didn’t nail down a schedule or ink out a contract. I think it’s just... on the table. So maybe once in a while... but who knows.”

“But Matty’s at Jeremy’s tonight. So after?”

“Yeah, after.”

Her smile stretches wide and I shake my head. “Julia, seriously, don’t get any ideas. This thing with us is just about having some fun.”

“Um, this thing with Greg and I was just about some fun too.”

That’s how it started for them. A decade-old IOU for a single kiss. Just some fun between old friends. But there was one significant difference. “You might have just been having some fun, but I’m pretty sure Greg was in it for real from the start.” She gets that dreamy smile on her face that makes me believe in happily ever afters. “Thing is, it’s not like that with Rux. And it’s not like that with me either.”

Her shoulders droop and she looks over at me. “Why not? He’s such a good guy.”

“Julia, I know what a good guy he is. I love him like crazy and he’s one of my best friends. But Rux isn’t looking to settle down. He’s really upfront about it. And while I want this with Rux right now, the guy has told me flat-out he’s not good at being in a relationship. He doesn’t want kids. He’s a loyal friend and a solid teammate, but I don’t want to mess things up between us by trying to make this into something it can’t be.”

She slumps in her seat, but she doesn’t say anything more. Because she knows I’m right.

It’s like the very first thing you learn about him. And usually he’s told you himself.

The music in the arena is pumping, the seats around us filling up. I look over at my sister as the Slayers come onto the ice to warm up.
