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“Except his career is over. And I’m not the leader he is. I feel like I’m screwing up again. Falling short. The team is looking to me to step up and deliver something I’m not sure I’ve got to give without him.”

She lets out a soft breath, and peers up at me. “It’s going to come together. One way or another. Just give it time.” She tucks herself against me again, letting her head rest over my heart and her fingers thread with mine. “I believe in you.”

My eyes close at the words that mean more than she could possibly understand.

I should go home soon. Let Cammy get some sleep in her own bed. But I can’t make myself let her go yet. I can’t give up the comfort of her head against my chest and the silk of her hair beneath my hand.

I hold her until her breath slows and she curls closer. Until it feels like my world isn’t being blown apart. And then I hold her some more.

Chapter 16


“Be good for your dad,” I say, giving my little boy a long squeeze.

Jeremy is standing in his doorway, arm propped against the jamb, an affectionate look in his eyes as Matty zips inside.

It’s such a change from the first time I brought him over for a solo evening with his dad. Those anxious first steps and tentative looks back having made my son seem years younger than he actually was.

Not anymore.

“You want to come in, hang out a while?” Jeremy asks, triggering that pangy thing my heart does every time I leave Matty. There’s always a part of me that wants to stay. That doesn’t want to miss out on whatever my boy is getting up to. But it’s important for Matty and Jeremy to have time alone, and tonight… well, I’m looking forward to my own plans.

“No, this is your time. You guys have fun.”

He looks back, then rubs a hand over his jaw, giving me the same look I used to see back in high school. “We’d have evenmore funif you stayed.”

“Thank you. Really. But I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Looking past Jeremy, I call into the apartment. “Bye, Matty. Love you.”

He calls back with a quick, “Bye, Mom!” and I’m gone.

Rux has been traveling for the last three days and got in so late last night he went straight home instead of coming over. He spent this morning over at the Children’s Hospital hanging out with the kids and then had back-to-back appointments through the rest of the afternoon. Which was for the best, since I had work of my own to finish, and didn’t want anything interfering when I finally got to see him tonight.

I drive home with a ridiculous smile on my face, my belly in this constant state of freefall knowing I’m about to see him.

It’s been two weeks since Greg announced his retirement and Rux was promoted to team captain, and he’s coming around to his new role. Julia thinks the team is still struggling to find their footing with the new lineups, but the Slayers won again last night and I can’t wait to celebrate.

By the time I get home, my heart is beating at triple time.

I’m not expecting Rux for another thirty minutes, but my eyes keep darting to the clock, like somehow I have the power to speed it up. There’s this fluttery sort of anticipation happening in my belly I haven’t felt in so long.

It’s crazy. But it feels so good, I can’t even try to tell myself to slow down. To hold back.

I’m wearing a thin, soft yellow sweater, rubbing lotion into my legs when I hear the front door, fifteen minutes early.

“Hey, Cammy, you home?”

“Coming!” I fumble the bottle and rush out of my bathroom.

I pause at the hall doorway, my heart doing something crazy when I see him standing there in his dark jeans, an untucked white Oxford straining around his biceps, and his hair combed neatly back from his face.

Rux turns, his eyes raking hot over me, and delivers a growl so sexy, I shudder. And then we’re coming together in a crash, his arms catching me as I wrap around him like a koala. My fingers are in his hair, coasting over his heavy jaw, my legs hooked hard against his ass. I’m showering his face with kisses as he carries me to the back of the couch.

He runs his hands over my bare legs where they’re wrapped around him and buries his face in my neck. “I missed you.”

“Me too,” I gasp as he rocks into me just right, making my insides contract with need. “Been watching the clock all day.”

Our eyes meet. “Yeah?”
