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“Hey, Cammy,” Julia says gently. “Do you want me to ask Greg?”

It’s tempting, but no way am I going to ask my sister to pump my sort-of-boyfriend’s best friend for information about my relationship. “Thanks, but I’ll talk to him myself.”

That’s what we do.

We talk to each other about everything. Almost everything.

“Rux!”Matty squeals, running across the living room as our favorite Slayer closes the door behind him.

Rux gives him a big bear hug before walking over to me and dropping a kiss at the top of my head. One arm pulls me in to his side and, God, he smells so good. And he looks even better, tall and broad in navy athletic pants and a gray hoodie, cheeks a little red from the wind blowing in off the lake today.

“How you doing, Sunshine?”

So much better now that he’s here. I don’t know why, but all day I’ve been worried that he wouldn’t come.

“I’m doing great. Finished work an hour early. Got the supplies for Matty’s project from the dollar store and managed to knock out some yoga.”

That warm smile I love so much spreads wider. “Badass.”

Matty skids up to him, shaking his head. “She only did the thirty-minute workout.”

Rux’s eyes crinkle at the corners, and then we’re all laughing together and it feels so normal. So right. It feels like the kind of moment you want again and again and again. Like the kind of moment you want to keep having forever.

Matty leads Rux to the fridge, proudly pointing out the fresh batch of carrot cake cupcakes we made. Rux makes all the appropriate noises,oohing andahhing about them. But what I love best is that it’s not just for Matty’s benefit. This is a man who says what’s on his mind and wears his feelings on his sleeve. And he loves carrot cake.

After he carefully peels one and then basically inhales it, we all settle into the living room to catch up on the day.

Matty’s head pops up and he grabs my phone off the table to check the time. “Mom, Teddy’s parents are going to be here in ten minutes.”

I force myself to keep my eyes on my boy rather than dissect Rux’s every blink and swallow at the realization we’re going to be alone tonight after all.

I’m being silly. I know it.

The minute the door closes, this man is going to have me backed up against it, devouring my mouth in that ravenous way of his. His hands will be roaming my body with that wildfire touch. And then later when it’s just the two of us in bed, his big arms holding me against him, I’ll tell him about my unfounded fears.

He’ll kiss me again and tell me he’s not going anywhere.

“Why don’t you grab your bag from your room and put it by the door.” I smile as Matty darts off.

Still caught up in that fantasy, I turn to Rux… and my heart sinks. His strained expression is unmistakable.

I’m not imagining it.

“Where’s Matty heading?” he asks, all his usual easygoing replaced by the kind of uncomfortable that has dread spooling through my belly.


It’s almost painful to see Rux sit back and force a smile to his lips. To pretend that this isn’t a turn of events he’d rather not have seen or faced. It feels like something inside me is breaking, and if I’m not careful, I’ll betray everything I’ve been trying to hide.

Before I do something stupid like start to cry in front of him, I make an excuse about double-checking that Matty packed his toothbrush and escape to the other room.

Once I’m out of sight, I close my eyes and press my hand to my aching heart. Swallow past the rise of emotion in my throat and fight to keep the tears at bay.

It takes a minute to get my head straight, but I’m strong.

When Matty steps out of his room, backpack slung over his shoulder and a bright smile on his face, I’m ready to return it with my own.

“You excited, buddy?”
