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I look, taking inventory of the woman reflected there. Her arms are tightly crossed over her chest, lips pursed into a slight frown, and there’s a buckle between eyes that are narrowed like she’s studying a problem that needs to be broken down.

Honestly, I don’t spend that much time in front of a mirror beyond checking to ensure I’m putting a professional image out there. That even though I’m younger than most everyone I work with, I don’t come across like I am. And it’s somewhat startling to see how that carefully cultivated persona might not gel with… well, really any other situation at all.

Especially one where I’m supposed to be the love interest to some touchy jock.

After a breath, I gesture toward my reflection. “I see a woman who’s been a straight-A student since the sixth grade when that witch Mrs. Hall gave me a B-plus in art. A woman who performs under pressure and doesn’t crack. A quick study and someone who excels at every goal she commits to.” Every goal but one, that is.

I close my eyes. I see a woman who just wants to be someone else for a while.

Unraveling my arms, I smooth my features. Relax my mouth and—

“Are you seriouslypracticingsmiling right now?”

I turn to Wade. “Just find the gas station. I’ve got this.”

This guy has no idea what I’m capable of.

Chapter 4


Harlow has an intensity about success that’s kind of scary, so no fucking way am I about to laugh at how she’spracticingloosening up her shoulders and going for what I’m guessing is supposed to be a more casual pose.

She’s not what I expected those few times I saw her at the bank.

Not by a long shot.

And yeah, I’m sort of thinking the fam isn’t going to take this thing with a woman so different than any they’ve seen me with before as seriously as I’d like. Which is a bummer, because it would have been nice to ride this fake relationship well into next year. But even if we’re nothing more than a ten-day wonder, it’ll be enough to let me enjoy being home with my brother.

For now, though, it’s time to see what exactly we’re working with.

I pull to a stop at the first pump, leaving my hands on the wheel as I think about my approach.

“Okay, bring on the PDA. I’m ready,” Harlow says, shaking out her shoulders and taking a big breath like she’s prepping to jump off the high dive.

“Yeah, I see that.” Maybe I’ve got a death wish, but this time I can’t fight the smile. Damn, she’s cute. “Give me a second.”

She stares at me impatiently. Time to stop being a pussy.

“So here’s the plan. I’m just going to talk as we go, tell you what I’m doing as I do it, and see how it plays out. You don’t like it, just—”

“Should we have a safe word?” she cuts in, leaning toward me. “Something that signals we’re serious and want to stop?”

I swallow and run a hand over my twitching lips. Nod. “Yeah, um, how about ‘Knock it off, Wade’ or maybe cutting to the chase and saying ‘Stop’ or ‘No.’ Both are instantly effective with me and might seem more natural than you casually working ‘armadillo’ or something into the conversation.”

I’ve got to give her credit. Harlow doesn’t look away, even when her cheeks start to flush.

“That works.”

Figured it might.

“Okay, how about we start with something simple, like your hair.” I sling my arm over the seatback between us and touch the dark silk I’ve been trying not to notice since she got in the truck.

Harlow’s brows furrow again as I tease a few loose strands, looping them around my fingers before tucking them behind her ear.

Uh-huh. Yep, she’s not breathing, and so much for that shoulder shimmy when she wanted to loosen up. Because now, she’s straight as a stick, eyes cranked to the side as she tries to focus on my too-close hand.

Totally natural.
