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Axe: Nah, these chicklets are safe. You love me. And it worked.

Me: Yeah, it worked.

Axe: Not that well, if you’re texting me at five in the morning. Unless her head’s bobbing under the sheet. In which case, bad form, man.

Me: I’m alone. Don’t be a dick.

Me: I didn’t try it until late last night.

Axe: Ahh. Operator error.

I roll my eyes and send him a picture of my middle finger.

Axe: Are we done here… or were you seeking more of my wisdom?

I don’t want to do it. But damn it…

Me: Have you got any bunny tips?

Axe: Hold on, let me ask Dina.

What? Two seconds later, I know.

Axe: This is D

Axe: Tp1 wrk yr mouth

Axe: lots

Axe: mve it

Axe: tuch it

Axe: bite it

Axe: open cls it evn if u dnt tlk

There’s no way… except this is Axe and so yeah, it’s entirely possible the person texting me is some bunny named Dina… and that until seconds ago, she was bobbing under the sheet while he texted with me.


Axe: Tp2….

* * *


What is wrong with me?

One night. That’s all I wanted.

Some fun with a man as serious about keeping the complications out of his life as I am about keeping them out of mine.

It should have been perfect.

Six times should have been enough.

So why is it that every time I cross paths with Wade today, instead of seeing the man I respect and enjoy as much as any friend I’ve ever had… all I see is my own personal walking, talking Tumblr fantasy come to life?
