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“Otto,” I coo gently, muscle memory drawing me into a rhythmic sway perfected through a lifetime of practice. “Such a big, tough name for such a sweet little man.”

Chapter 3


Axel lugs the parcelpalooza from Diane’s back to his place. He offers to bring my stuff over too, but while there isn’t that much, I haven’t gone through it yet, so I pass. I don’t really want him carrying my panty collection for me. Besides, I need to make a few calls before I can jump into my new nanny role.

I call my mother first and, no surprise, she’s disappointed, explaining in detail how they could really use me at home, how they’re already spread so thin and the money I’ve been sending there isn’t enough to get some help, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

It’s rough. Letting my mother down isn’t the highlight of my day, but a lifetime of experience has proven that if I don’t draw a line, she will take and take until there’s nothing left for me. So, I stay strong, and when I hang up, I’m relieved.

Until I make the next call. I know how my sister is going to react, and sure enough, I’ve barely begun to explain when—

“Have you lost your damn mind!”

Parked on my narrow futon, I wince, pulling out an earbud before tentatively replacing it.

“Caroline, it’s not what you think,” I say, trying for chill because my sister is freaking out enough for the both of us.

The sound she makes is disbelieving. And disappointed and concerned and probably a hundred other things too. And I get it.

“I think it sounds like you spent the first twenty-five years of your life stuck in a house taking care of someone else’s kids. You finally get out, and not even five months later, you’re moving into some guy’s place to take care of his!”

“First, singular on the kid. Otto. He’s two days old and so stinkin’ cute.”

“Oh, well then, why didn’t you say so?” she huffs.

Funny girl. She’s such a hothead when she’s worried but just as quick to cool. “Second, this job istemporary. And third, I’m getting paid upfront.”

I can hear the air blowing through my sister’s nose, practically see her tapping her foot, arms crossed tight around her too-thin build. “Yeah, how much?”

“Way more than what Diane was paying.” Glancing at my phone, I see I still have a few minutes before I told Axel I’d be back. “It’s a one-month commitment, maybe less, then I’m done. And with some notice and what I’ll earn, there will be enough time to find another job and a place in the city.”

“But a live-in nanny? Isn’t that just a little too close to your gig at home? This is supposed to be your turn.”

“Honestly, this job is the only thing saving me from moving back. Without it, I’d be on the train tomorrow. And it’s temporary.”

“Yeah… I mean, if it keeps you from having to go home and there’s an end date, then I guess it can’t be a bad thing.”

“It’s not. Or mostly, it’s not.”


If I told her it was Axel, he of the zillion packages and shouty friends, she’d get it. But Axel hasn’t told his family and team about Otto yet, and while I know Caroline wouldn’t say a word until he gave me the go-ahead, I intend to respect his privacy.

“The guy I’m working for is kind of a jerk.”

“Perfect. Lean into that.”

“Excuse me?” I laugh.

“The more this guy talks down to you and gets his underwear in a twist about stupid shit, the easier it’s going to be walking away in a month.”

Fortunately, Axel doesn’t do either of those things. But she’s right. It will be easy to walk away when it’s done.

We wrap the call, and with a few minutes to spare, I do a last sweep of the apartment. I don’t have a lot to bring with me, just the narrow futon that’s been doubling as a chair and bed these last months, a duffle bag, and a laundry basket with the rest of the clothes from the closet draped over it.

I take the bag and basket first, then come back for the futon and drag it into the hall. When I’m done, I leave the keys on the floor inside the door before closing it behind me.
