Page 15 of Love Like a Curse

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Her eyes had gone liquid, and she blinked, wiping at them. “I don’t want to fight you,” she whispered. “I want this to be everything it feels like.”

Jesus, those tears were killing him. Pulling her into his arms, he held her, letting her melt against him.

Nothing had ever felt better in his life, than Kayla leaning on him, her brow against his chest, her fingers wound in his shirt. Tipping her head back so all that red silk spilled past her shoulders, he searched her eyes. “Then stop fighting and let it.”

Without giving her the chance to reply, he pressed his lips to hers. One kiss, that’s all he’d intended. But then Kayla was kissing him back, and he was sinking deeper into the give of her mouth.

When he drew back, she was breathless and flushed. Beautiful.

“Okay, Rafe,” she whispered, a hint of the smile that drove him wild there on her lips.

And then she was reaching for him, pulling him in for more of her kisses. Moaning around the thrust of his tongue and shifting against him like she couldn’t get close enough. Like she’d truly given in.

There were still questions, but there would be time for explanations tomorrow. For now he had everything he needed.

Kayla stilled in his arms and, looking up at him, whispered, “We’re really alone.” She looked around and then back to him, a laugh bubbling free. “We can do it in a bed. In my bed.”

That caught his attention. “What are you talking about?”

She didn’t answer. She was too busy pulling at his clothes, her motions bordering on frantic. “Hurry.”

“Your bed?” he asked, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over head. “How long has it been since you’ve done it in your bed?”

“Never,” she gasped.

“What?” He couldn’t believe it, but the way she was tearing at his clothes was evidence of her desperation. Blood thundered into his cock. He would be the first man to make love to her in her own bed. He should go slow, make it last all night—


Or he could give the lady what she wanted. Grasping her firmly by the waist, he set her back on the bed and followed her down.
