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My first week of working with Cole went by fast. It’s been fun and challenging, and he makes it exciting. We made an agreement to just be friends, but it doesn’t feel like we’re just friends. Friends don’t steal touches when no one is looking. Friends don’t hold hands. Friends don’t kiss, and friends don’t sneak into each other’s room and help them masturbate.

We are both fighting it but still can’t help but touch each other. Every day is becoming harder and harder. The lightest touch from the man can light my entire body on fire and soak my panties. I’ve started keeping an extra pair in my purse because I’ve been spending almost every minute with him and by lunchtime, I’m soaked to the point I’m afraid I’ll leave a spot on a chair. I’m so twisted up about him I find myself trying to stay busy and active, anything to sweat and release all this pent-up aggression and frustration out. It’s Saturday morning and I’m running along the beach. It’s early, the sun still coming up over the horizon so no one else is around right now. The small beach is clean and near our house. It feels good to say that. Our house. I made my first paycheck and gave it directly to Marcus, which made me feel great until I found it in my purse on my way here. Sneaky man.

Our rag tag team of misfits are all going out to a big-ass MMA fight tonight, all thanks to Cole. He got tickets for everyone and secured a VIP section which for this fight that is going to be televised, could not have been cheap. I’m hella nervous and excited. Nervous because I need to control my crazy attraction to my roommate who is also my boss and the only source of income I can get right now. Not to mention our mutual bestie Marcus who wouldn’t be happy to see us sneaking around. Why can’t I help it? After this week, I’ll be honest, I don’t want to. I want Cole. I want him so bad I can barely sleep at night knowing he’s in the room next door to mine. Once I thought I heard him moan through the wall. Even if he didn’t, I imagined he did and even put my water glass up against it, trying to hear him better. Wishing it was me making him sound like that.

Fully aroused again just at the thought, I step harder and run faster. The sand is slightly wet and packed and makes this run easier; sweat trickles down my back and my cleavage. I should have worn a big t-shirt instead of just this sports bra that is feeling way too tight right now.

Seagulls fly above and scatter around, pecking at the sand and rushing in toward incoming waves until I run up on them and they take flight again. I finally made it out here to my favorite little beach at sunrise. I came here for my runs every morning before I moved. I love it here. Looking back on the last six years, I feel like I wasted it all. I worked every day and would have worked myself to death if it wasn’t for the disaster Howard caused. Before I have a chance to let my mind spiral down that rabbit hole, my phone rings in my small pants pocket. Lululemon makes awesome leggings.

I slow down to a fast walk, pulling it out but don’t recognize the Chicago number, so I send it to voicemail. Taking deep breaths to calm down, I slow my pace even more and enjoy the rising sunshine that warms my face and walk the rest of the way back to Cole’s truck he let me borrow since he’s sleeping in. What I wouldn’t give to be in that bed with him right now. My phone rings again before I have the key in the ignition. Same number. Strange. They didn’t leave a message. Well, they can because I don’t even want to think about Chicago right now.

Truck started, I hit the red reject button, sending the caller to voicemail, and head toward home. Eggs Benedict, bacon, and fruit salad are waiting when Cole comes downstairs, along with a pot of coffee. I sit at the island, sketching a few ideas for the warehouse and when I look up, I’m rewarded with his bare backside in all its muscular glory. Gray sweatpants sit low on his waist, and his ass looks so fucking good I have to catch my moan before it makes a sound.

His long dusty-brown hair is down around his shoulders, and I just want to grab a handful and direct his face between my legs. Fuck. This is getting harder. Much like my lady boner. He turns around slowly, or maybe I’m just seeing him in sexy slow-mo. Like Baywatch but with Cole and coffee and his sexy hair down and messy and that beard that still reaches my dreams with how good it feels on my body.

“Ready for tonight?”

“Hmm, what?” I say, blinking several times. Keep your fucking cool, Lyla.

“Were you just checking me out, Lyla?”

“What? Of course not.” I blush. Damn it. His smile is beaming, and I can feel myself blushing harder.

“Really? ’Cause it looked like your eyes were taking in a show.”

“Oh my gosh, please don’t say gun show. Really, Cole.”

I bust out laughing, forgetting all about the earlier embarrassment which is not a new thing around this man. His laughter mingles with mine and soon Marcus and Harmony come bounding down the stairs and join us.

We all eat and talk about the week we had, and Harmony is bouncing with excitement. “Hey, kiddo, what’s got you so excited this morning?” Cole asks.

“I’m just so happy to see Grandma and Grandpa!” she exclaims in an almost scream.

“Wow, really, your mom and dad are coming back to town, Marcus?” I ask, meeting her excitement. He laughs at us girls being so extra.

“Yeah, they’ll be here tonight. They plan to set up at the RV park just down the beach. I offered to put them up at the Hilton or Marriott, but of course Mom said she enjoyed her little home.” He air quotes the last part.

“That’s awesome. I can’t wait to see her. They always came by to see me when driving through Chicago, but I was always working and could only say hi and feed them. It still feels like years since I’ve actually been able to sit down and talk to Ms. Nora.”

“Well, you’ll get to. Harmony is having a sleepover with her tonight, but I was thinking a brunch with everyone at Hamilton’s tomorrow, maybe around eleven.”

“Awesome, I’m in. And I can pay for myself for a change ’cause boss man here paid me, and you won’t take my hard-earned money.”

I jab a thumb at Cole, but I’m facing Marcus at the kitchen island. He gives me a guilty smile and picks Harmony up off the stool and sets her down. “Let’s go upstairs and brush teeth, then we’ll grab your backpack and the dolls you want to take, and we’ll go to the beach for a while. How’s that sound?”

“Um, great.” I say, looking down at her. She laughs and runs upstairs, and Marcus follows behind but turns around at the bottom of the steps.

“What time are we going to the fight?”

“If you want to meet here, I scheduled a car to pick us up at seven. I can make it earlier if we want to grab a bite to eat or meet us there before nine. You’ve got a ticket under your name and someone will show you to our section I’m sure.”

“Okay, man. I’ll let you know for sure after I hear from my mom. Thanks again,” he says over his shoulder as he walks upstairs.

“I’m fucking stoked for the fight tonight. Plus, the fancy car so I can get shit-faced like a baller in VIP.”
