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Making it back to town and to the safety of our house, all three of us together seems surreal. The drive is quiet except the sounds of the shitty van Marcus is driving. Cole and I are in the far back seat, staring at each other like we can’t believe any of that just happened. I gently move his chin to see the damage, but he just gives me that panty-melting grin. He rubs mine with the back of his rough and bloody knuckles, and I wince, not nearly as tough as he is. Even my teeth hurt, and I have a pounding headache. He pulls me close, and I snuggle in for the ride.

Finally, Marcus parks in Cole’s spot in the garage, and I ask where his truck is.

“It’s at the fake job site,” he says, exhausted.

The sun is coming up as we close the garage door and make it inside. As tired as we all are, we find ourselves gathering at the island counter. Marcus takes me in his arms, in a monster bear hug, and I break down. I cry for the friend I’ve missed so much; I cry because I’ve been so scared; I cry for the pain in my face and because I want this to be over.

Finally, my sobs slow down, and he sits back down with an earnest look on his face.

“Listen, I’ve taken time to deal with the traumatic experience I walked into…and I mean the scene in the kitchen that’s burned into my brain forever and haunts my dreams, not the fucked-up shit we just took care of tonight.”

I laugh, a little in shock of how casual he’s being about the violence he just went through, and wipe at the tears still running down my face. He smiles and I lean back into Cole who buries his face into my neck and wraps his arms around me, engulfing me with his massive arms.

“I get it now though. The two of you aren’t what I assumed you were to each other. I should have listened when you both kept reaching out, but I was too busy distracting myself from it with work. When I listened to your voicemail, Lyla, I was ready to fucking kill Cole. Even though I know better, I thought he was somehow hurting you. I’m sorry I became such a dick, man. Lyla, I just feel so protective of you and for someone else to step in, I guess made me feel like you didn’t need me anymore. I can see now I was mistaken. After tonight, I will officially feel like both of you crazy kids still need me.”

He grins at us like he’s glad he was wrong and is happy for us, so of course I start crying again, and he hugs me, covering Cole’s arms, and it’s like a big family hug. Of forgiveness, of love, and of family that’s always here for each other.

Before it gets too awkward, the guys both pull back. We talk about what happened, and I make some buckwheat pancakes. It has never felt so good to cook. Not overpriced dishes for stuck-up Chicago critics but for my family. For two men who love me and who I could not live without.

“Alright, pussies. I’ve had about enough of this mushy bonding shit; I’m going upstairs to my own bed and crashing for at least the day. I better not wake up to the sounds of you fucking or so help me I will come barge in and literally throw a bucket of water on you both.”

He gives us both a side-eye, and we can’t help but laugh. He hugs us both and heads upstairs, and Cole and I clean up the kitchen a little and head to our room. We take a quick shower to wash off the blood and dirt, and I’m overwhelmed with how grateful I feel to be in Cole’s clean t-shirt. Lying in bed, warm and comfortable, feels weird. Just hours ago, I thought I might never see this bed again, never lie next to this man I love, and then I remember. As much as I feel it, I’ve been too scared to tell him I love him.

I’m too tired and I’ve officially been through too much to hold back though. I look deep into his eyes as we get comfortable in each other’s arms, and as soon as I clear my throat, I hear my words before I say them.

“I love you,” Cole says, brushing my hair back and cupping my cheek.

I laugh sob; seriously, I don’t know what that was that came out of my mouth, but before I can overthink anything, I tell him, “I love you, Cole. I love you so much.”

A small tear runs down my face, but this time it’s because I’m happy. I am so happy to be home and in his arms right now my heart hurts. I see his big smile right before our lips meet, and this kiss is officially the greatest kiss of my entire life.
