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The heavy beats of Nickelback fill the bathroom as I finish getting ready. If Cole were in here, he would make me change it and call them names, but I can’t help but to swing my hips, feeling like a crazy badass stripper. I should probably mention that to him. I bet he would start listening to them a lot more. I laugh out loud as Cole comes in.

“What’s so funny, hot stuff?”

I laugh more at the nickname and shrug, keeping my secret for later when we have more time to put my moves to work.

Tonight, we’re celebrating the official opening of Kraze, my now good friend, Chef Dane Carmichael’s grand opening of what’s sure to be San Diego’s next top restaurant. Cole has organized a big fancy family dinner to celebrate with everyone. He kisses me and simultaneously turns off my music.

“You about ready to go? I told the gang we would be there at six.”

“Yep, ready to roll, my love.”

I slap his fine, firm ass and turn on my heel, heading for the door. He scoops me up and makes me squeal in laughter.

It’s been a little over a month since the Moretti chaos, and we’ve healed and managed to find a semblance of normal. The police never found out we were involved, and Roger let us know Anthony Moretti and Darren Henry were not able to pay their way out of the charges and will both be serving a lifetime sentence for the murders of Howard and Cathy.

On an even happier note, Marcus did move to the studio but having the apartment to ourselves has made Cole and I practically nudists. It’s fun and crazy, and I’ve never felt so safe, loved, and free to be myself.

* * *

When we get to Kraze,Cole pulls the iron door open for me, and I pick up my long light-blue dress and step inside.

“You look beautiful by the way,” he says, bending down and kissing my shoulder as we wait for the hostess.

“Thank you.” I grin up at him and just before his lips touch mine, I hear her clear her throat. I reluctantly turn from him and face Lisa, her name tag says.

“Hello. Do you have a reservation this evening?”

“Yes, Under Waterson, party of ten.”

“Oh yes, our first VIP diners. Right this way,” she says with a big grin for Cole and ushers us to the back of the restaurant and up the stairs in a narrow staircase. Once we reach the top, my mouth drops. The double doors open to a rooftop lounge, with cascading lights, lots of flowers and green plants, a private bar, one large table, and a huge wraparound couch. Stepping forward, we walk up to the bar and I notice the soft music playing is “All My Loving” by The Beatles, and I smile knowingly up at Cole as he pulls out the bar stool for me, then I get that kiss. Hot and searing and over much too quickly. We order whiskey, mine with lots of rocks, and wait for everyone to start arriving.

Charlie is the first to join us at the bar, and she gives us both a hug and picks up the drink menu.

“What is a Black Velvet?” she asks the bartender who’s been too busy checking her out to register that she asked him something. He’s still drying the same glass when she looks up to him.

“I’m sorry, what?” the poor guy stutters, and I’m mortified to watch Charlie hide behind the menu and mumble, “Never mind.”

The guy clears his throat and moves down the long bar even though we are the only people out here.

“What the hell was that?” I ask her, dumbfounded.

“What was what?”

“Give me this,” I say, taking the menu she’s trying to hide behind and stare at her expectantly, but she just stares back.

“Charlie, that guy was totally into you. Why hide?” I raise an eyebrow but know exactly why.

“He was not; now let me get a darn drink.” She grabs the menu back, but I don’t drop the subject. Instead, I lean near her ear so only she can hear me.

“Just because one man made you feel bad about yourself does not mean you’re not a total badass babe who is wanted.”

She swallows hard and nods, not saying anything. It breaks my heart she can’t see how awesome she is. I can only pray one day God will send her the right man because if it’s left to her, she’ll be a crazy old, lonely cat lady, but instead of cats it’ll be records.

Marcus comes up and hugs her from behind, saving her from the conversation. Harmony runs in, and Cole picks her up and swings her around, and Grace comes to give me a small hug.
