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“Something like that, and not in a good way,” he replies, while handing a bag off to who I assume is our pilot.

“Oh, do tell. I need those details to remind me you’re human, Mr. Alexander,” I say, urging him on, but his face turns hard. We stare at each other, neither one backing down. Finally, I feel like I might have won when he takes a deep frustrated breath.

“My family is wealthy and high profile; you and I have talked about my less than acceptable behavior. You wouldn’t understand.” His annoyance only spurs me on.

“Oh, I wouldn’t? Why is that? What do you think you know about me, dearest fiancé?”

“I’m not trying to fight with you, Willow. Just drop it.”

“Archie, I’m not dropping shit. There’s a lot you need to know about me, and since you’re whisking me away on this fanciful trip, promising me more truth and fewer lies, I’m trying to get to some of the truths.”

The pilot announces we’re about to take flight. The tension thickens, but instead of the aggravation I expect, Archie smiles as his eyes roam my body. I’m wearing a comfortable dress I changed into before we left. It's baby blue and light as silk, and as his eyes warm my skin when they run over me, I can’t help but play with the fire I see burning in them. I cross my legs casually and watch his jaw tighten as my dress slides up my thigh, exposing my colorful ink.

“First things first, I do understand this lifestyle. My family had two personal jets on standby at all times. Do you remember introducing me to Ken and Darla Waterson last night?”

His brows furrow in confusion as I wait for his reply.

“Of course. Ken and Darla are the epitome of high society.”

I nod and let my eyes wander over his muscular shoulders, down past his impressive chest and stop on my target. This tension-filled cabin is becoming sweltering with a hot fog of pure lust radiating off both of us.

I lick my lips and reply to his comment. “They’re also my dear old mom and dad,” I say, letting the bomb drop and watching as shock and awe grace his smooth, beautiful face.

“The Ken and Darla you introduced me to at the ball last night?” He asks in confusion.

“No, the Ken and Darla you introduced me to,” I say, emphasizing you since he didn’t let me get a word in the night before.

“I introduced you to your own parents?”

“As your fiancée,” I smile and nod in confirmation.

“Oh, shit,” he says, realizing his mistake. His gaze drops to the floor, and he shakes his head in disbelief. I’m sure it’s a rare occasion when he makes a mistake. It’s not the big ordeal he thinks it is.

“My parents were probably thrilled at your announcement, so don’t sweat it. They were surprised to see me at the charity fundraiser. See, I’m the black sheep who left home, and became what I wanted to be, which just so happens to be everything they hate.”

He looks at me intently. “I’m sorry, I should have known.”

“How could you? I should have been upfront about that too.” The truth is I’d hoped Archer would be too busy to notice me talking to my parents at the fundraiser, but we’d only gotten through the pleasantries, and my mother’s keen eye not missing my practical hair color before Archer swept in.

His razor-sharp gaze zeroes in on me like he’s seeing me for the first time.

“Ok, wifey, you have my attention. I have been firmly put in my place. What truths do you want?”

His tone is menacing, but instead of wilting like I’m sure he’s used to from other woman, I sit taller, ready to go head-to-head with the titan. I uncross and recross my legs, and the movement has the desired effect— his low growl is my reward.

“Why did you invite me on this trip?” I ask, no longer able to hold back my curiosity.

“I want you to myself.”

At his words, my heart jumps into my throat.

“Why me?” I ask, softening.

It’s probably the scariest question of all, and he just sits there staring and not answering for so long I’m about to scream when he replies.

“I hate your hair,” he says.

“What?” I rear back, offended. Flabbergasted by his random insult.
