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Our first night at my house in Rio was sleepless. Not because I regret anything about being with Willow, but because the two of us were insatiable. When we arrived in Brazil, I was lost in thought, wondering if she would regret being with me and resent the looming NDA hanging between us. When we finally crossed the line, it was nothing like I expected. I knew sex with her would be great, but there are no words for how perfect she is. When I push, she pushes, challenging me at every turn. No words can describe how I felt being inside her, coming so hard, I saw stars. Not just the first time, which can be expected, since I’d been yearning for her all week. Fuck that, since the moment I saw her, I wanted to be inside that perfect pussy.

My imagination didn’t do her justice. Seeing her on the balcony at sunset, I couldn’t keep my hands off her. I thought we would talk. I was worried that our agreement would be at risk after crossing the line, but things have been so great, even more than great. Our sex is out of this world, and we tossed in the sheets all night, grabbing for each other.

The morning sunlight pours through the bedroom, and waking up, I turn into her soft body, wrapping myself around her.

“As much as I wish I could stay in bed all day and continue exploring this exquisite body, I have a brunch appointment with Enzo,” I say against her skin, kissing it softly, before burying my face in the crook of her neck, getting lost in her scent, which now smells more like me than her. I love it. Her moan makes my dick harden, and when she arches back into me, I consider blowing off the entire business part of this trip.

“Shall I join you?” She purrs, the question making me smile because I know it’s her way of asking where we stand in our relationship.

“Only if you come as you, no more pretending to be a trophy wife. Enzo is a client, but he’s also a good friend of mine.”

“Okay. So, I’ll wear that low-cut dress that shows off almost all my painted body.”

Her voice is challenging, and I know to tread lightly if I want her to accompany me. I can’t help the possessive growl that rumbles into her ear, and I pull her tightly to me, not liking the idea of anyone but me getting to see so much of her.

“You can wear what you like, but know I’ll want to murder everyone who looks at you.”

She giggles at my possessive tone, and I attack her ribs, giving her something to laugh about.

“Oh my god, stop! Damn you, Archer!”

I reluctantly stop, and we wrestle to the edge of the bed. She flips over, looking up at me with mischief, and I pull her bottom lip between my teeth.

“That’s my job,” I say and suck her lower lip into my mouth as she arches into me. Soon our playful-ness turns more passionate, and as she pushes me back onto the bed and straddles my lap. We’re interrupted by the doorbell. Our driver must be here already.Fuck.

We both groan our displeasure as we stop, and after a few chaste kisses I place strategically, I promise her we have all week. This trip was more for her than it is for business, but I have a few things I need to speak to Enzo about. My dear friend will undoubtedly be surprised I’m settling down, but he’ll approve of my Willow, which will help me deal with my mother and the board.

* * *

Pulling up to the restaurant, I watch as Willow’s face lights up in delight.

“Wow. I can see the view from outside the door,” she mutters, seemingly to herself, but I answer, anyway.

“It’s one of a kind. Glass doors, completely open concept once we pass through.” As soon as I say it, the two large doors open for us. I offer her my elbow and love the feel of her skin against mine even when it is probably a hundred degrees here; there’s just something about her touch I’ve begun to crave. We walk through the doors, and I nod at the host behind the desk. Rio is my favorite place in the world. The fact I’m bringing a guest is going to shock my dear friend who knows me for my more outlandish behavior. I’ll tell him the truth, eventually. For now, I’m going to enjoy calling her mine in every sense of the word. The lines between real and fake have become blurred, and I feel more confident about making something permanent with my fiancée.

Enzo and his wife, Chloe, wave to us from a large table out on the expansive balcony. The only difference between the main dining floor and the balcony is the stairs. The room is separated by glass walls with a perfect view from every seat in the house. The restaurant overlooks the beach where sky-rises meet sand. I nod to them and lead Willow around tables to meet my friends.

Without thought, I embrace the only man on earth I trust other than my father, in what Chloe refers to as the “Bro-hello.”

“Hello, my friend,” Enzo says as we part with a few slaps to each other’s shoulders, and I pull Willow close.

“Hey, guy. Who is this lovely creature?” Chloe asks, back at her husband’s side.

“Nice to see you, Chloe; this is my fiancée, Willow.” I can’t help but laugh lightly at her surprised face as the words leave my mouth. “Baby, these are my dear friends Chloe and Enzo Rossi.”

Chloe’s surprise at my mention of our betrothal is gracefully covered in true debutante fashion.

“Oh my gosh, fiancée? When did that happen? You must be a queen from out of this world to nail down the billionaire bad boy of the West Coast,” Chloe states, stretching her hand for Willow.

I know she means well. Chloe is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and Enzo is a lucky fucking bastard to have married her, but the comment is a little too honest, and I grit my teeth. Again, I hope my past isn’t something that will ruin what I’m trying to build with Willow. Back then, I had no intention of ever wanting a serious relationship, but now that I found her, I’ll do anything to keep her.

“Yep, that’s me, alien queen of misfits,” Willow shrugs her shoulder, looking adorable in a yellow sundress, showing off her unique style.

“Well, I am honored to meet you, your highness.” Enzo takes her hand, kissing the back of it while looking at me. He gets the reaction he wants when jealousy tenses my body, and I unintentionally pull her closer.

His chuckle is full of teasing, but I was the one giving him hell this time last year, fucking with him over Chloe. So this is all fair revenge.
