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I take a deep breath and run my hands down my wedding dress. It’s perfect and to my taste, and not Alice’s, but she made it possible for me to wear it today. A mere week after finding it, alterations were made, and a huge sum of money paid. Just for a dress.

I can’t help but wonder if I’m being appeased until I say I do, and then I’ll officially become a slave to society. So far, Archie has made it clear to everyone, specifically his mother, that this wedding is to be everything I want. Every night since we declared our love for eachother, he’s asked me if this is what I really want. I assure him I want to be with him, at any cost, but he always hates that answer. He says he’ll call off the wedding if I want, but I don’t. I want a life at Archer’s side. I want to unravel him at the end of every workday, and help him with his fancy-ass tie before every miserable event we’re forced to go to.

A soft knock on the dressing room door jerks me out of my musing, and I see my brother pop his head in with a cautious smile.

“Hey, big brother.”

“Hey, little sister.”

We embrace for a long while without another word. Part of me is nervous. When I told him Archer and I were getting married, he didn’t say anything, just nodded and hugged me. Lyla pulled me to the side and made me spill everything, but I did so happily, hoping for her blessing, which she reluctantly gave, just wanting me to find the same kind of happiness she has with Cole. I’ve always been a bit envious of their obvious love for each other, but after meeting Archer, I can confidently tell her I found it.

Cole clears his throat, looking teary-eyed as he releases me. He steps back, taking in my appearance. My hair is blue as promised to my future husband, much to Alice’s dismay, and my gorgeous dress is chiffon, with long flowing sleeves and a dangerous but edgy, plunging neckline. Most of my ink is hidden, but my dermal piercings twinkle with new diamonds attached to my chest, so I forgo a necklace and choose a pair of long dangling vintage earrings instead. My hair is half-up, with loose curls falling around my face and down my back. Dots of baby’s breath throughout. I leave my makeup simple with neutral colors and a peach lip gloss. I look perfect, exactly how I want.

“You look beautiful,” my big, burly brother says in almost a whisper.

I hug him extra hard and thank him. Pulling back, he attempts to break the seriousness.

“Want to make a run for it? I can have you out of here in less than five minutes. Just say the word.”

I laugh but know he would rescue me if I needed him to. “Lucky for me, I’m about to marry the love of my life,” I say, feeling emotional but holding back the tears to save my mascara.

It might not have been a traditional way of meeting and falling in love, but I can honestly say I wouldn’t have it happen any other way.

“That makes me very happy to hear,” he nods his head slowly, then hits me with the big guns, “Mom and Dad are here.”

I knew this. Archer’s mom and dad both asked my permission to invite them, and I agreed and even answered their phone calls the following day. Things aren’t as bad as they were because we’re finally talking again, but we’re a long way off from being a normal, happy family. Baby steps.

“I’m glad,” I tell him honestly.

“We’re all here for you. Are you ready?” He sticks his elbow out for me, ready to do the honor of walking me down the aisle.

I nod, feeling the flutters of excitement.

We head out of the suite and walk down the hall. Voices carry from somewhere, and one sounds familiar. Their chatter gets louder, and I recognize one, Archer’s closest friend, Christian.

“Yeah, I guess it’s a romantic story for her to tell her friends, but really it was the perfect opportunity for my boy to swoop in and get what he wants. I mean, the man had already told the board of directors that she was his serious girlfriend, so saving a hard ass like Willow from a car crash was the only way to seal the deal. I’m telling you, my man’s a genius. Now she’s putty in his hands, agreeing to shit like marriage. Best of all, her hard-core look is the perfect fuck-you to his dear mother who started the problem in the first place. Poor guy has to settle down, may as well be with a porn star, though, am I right?” We’ve stopped in the dark hallway and hear a chorus of agreement from a few other men.

My cheeks heat with embarrassment at Christian’s poisonous words. My heart is in my throat, and without needing a word, my brother rescues me. Pulling me back down the hall from where we came, we find the back door and push through it. The sun is still shining as we step out of the conference building and head towards Cole’s big pickup truck. Once inside, I start hyperventilating.

Are all those things true?Technically, it could be. Even Arthur made a strange comment at dinner the other night, then snapped his mouth shut when he got a weird look from his son.

“I’m so stupid.” Tears fall down my cheek as Cole slides into the driver seat, and we take off, peeling out of the parking lot with no idea where we’re going. As long as it’s not back there, where I was ready to change everything about my life, for a man who was playing me to his advantage.

* * *

With just onephone call to Lyla, my entire circle of best friends rally for me. I heard Lyla even went down the aisle and punched Archer in the nose, in my honor. What’s worse than feeling like the man you fell in love with was lying? I worry about his nose when he doesn’t deserve it. The gang decides on meeting up at Grace’s house, where we just had a bunch of food delivered. Everyone has been careful not to ask any serious questions, leaving the details for Cole to answer and moving onto the part where they try to make me feel better. Impossible.

I’ve considered taking off to the pier and jumping, but I know that rush won’t bring the same peace anymore. Not now that it holds the moment he told me the most painful lie.

I wipe the tears that just keep falling casually, like I’m not falling apart on my friend’s plush sofa bed. Harmony brought out every single one of her stuffed animals. The kid must know she needed back-up on comforting me. As she sits beside me, I look around at my loved ones. My chosen family. Cole is rubbing Lyla’s belly on the love seat beside me as she lays with her head on his lap. They put on the comedy Baby Mama, but I haven’t been paying attention. Instead, I’ve spent the last few hours cuddled up with Harmony, internally berating myself for trusting Archer. A man from a world I knew was corrupt, and as much as I hate myself for it, I still can’t believe he would do this to me. I believed him when he told me he loved me, when he asked me again every single night if I really wanted to marry him, because he wanted to make it clear that I didn’t have to. He said he didn’t want the arrangement anymore, and we should burn it symbolically, but I thought it would be cute to show our kids someday. Idiot.

I eye my purse on Grace’s kitchen table as she and Marcus pull Styrofoam boxes out of the bags, and pull plates and glasses down from cabinets. As they set the table, I notice the uncomfortable tension between them. Marcus won’t look at her even though she keeps ducking her head to catch his eye. He only shakes his head at her, not explaining. Not that I’m in any place to force my opinion on them, but I still hope they somehow get past their weird bullshit.

My cell phone rings in my purse again, but this time no one even glances over at me; they just move my purse to another room.

Taco’s, pasta, and pizza are laid out all over Grace’s tiny kitchen, and to my delight, my dear friend ordered lots of desserts. Most women with a broken heart wouldn’t be able to touch this smorgasbord, but not me. I eat some of all of it, and when my stomach is so full I can barely keep my eyes open, we’ve all watched three movies. Harmony and Grace are passed out on the sofa bed with me, and Lyla and Cole have already headed home. Marcus picks up Harmony, then Grace, taking them to their beds, then slides onto the sofa bed with me.

“Hey. You ok?” he asks, laying down facing me. His concern brings another bout of emotion, but the tears stay at bay.

I shake my head no, and he nods in understanding.

“I know how hurt you must feel right now. I’ve been heartbroken before, but don’t let it make you bitter. You’re a breath of fresh air in this world, and I might have to kill the man who dares to dampen that.” The threat is real, and his words warm my heart. He’s always been a great friend to me, and I want to be that for him. I nod my agreement, not feeling strong enough to keep it but hoping some of his faith rubs off on me.

My eyelids feel heavy, and with a kiss to my forehead, he gets up and leaves, closing the front door behind him, and I hear the keypad lock. The sound of my phone ringing echoes throughout the house, and I break down and cry myself to sleep.
