Page 20 of Learning Curve

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Ten years after meeting…

I slam into my wife from behind, my hand reaching to cover her mouth and muffle the scream I know is coming. The telltale signs of her impending orgasm are letting me know she’s seconds from detonation, as am I.

She’s been insatiable the past week, and I know she’s pregnant, even though I don’t think it’s hit her yet. I know her body, her mannerisms, and therefore, when she deviates from either, I notice. Her fingers wrap around me from below, holding them in an o shape as I slide through them and pummel her pussy, soaking her as we cum together. I should be gentler in her condition, but I can’t.

Plus, if she needs me to be, she’ll tell me. Willa knows I will do anything for her and our children. Our oldest, Mary, named after my mom, looks just like my wife. A fact that terrifies me because I know I’ll be in trouble when she gets older. She’s only four now, so I have time to create a plan on how to repel boys before we reach that point.

All Willa asks is that there’s also a second version for our son. Dylan, our two-year-old, is my mini-me, and she about cried when we had to start dressing him in toddler sizes.

And now, she’s carrying our third. “I think you knocked me up again.”

“I know I did,” I say with a whole lot of arrogance.

“You aren’t upset?” We’d talked about waiting a bit before having a third, wanting to enjoy Mary and Dylan’s younger years, but fate had other ideas. And I am not the least bit sorry for that.

Kissing the top of her head as she’s nuzzled under my chin, I say, “Of course not. I love you and the family we’re building. Meeting you was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I could never regret anything that comes of that.” She sighs, my words soothing her, and being me, I add, “Can’t blame my swimmers for wanting to get all up in that.”

She laughs, the sound echoing around us, the baby monitors remaining silent, and playfully smacks my thigh. But she misjudges, her palm hitting my cock instead, making me hard in a second, and she lifts her leg and lets me slide home. “Just in case I’m not,” she teases. “Let’s make sure.”

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So, I’m thinking of making the men and women – some you’ve met, others you haven’t yet – of Bastion Defense a series. Tell me your thoughts. Would you like more?

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