Page 11 of Cross my Heart

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“You get Olivia and I’ll run Enzo out?” He suggests.

“Trying to get out of diaper duty?”

He pulls the curtain to the side, allowing me to see outside, and offers, “Unless you’d rather trudge through that snow.”

I smack his ass, then walk down the hall toward the nursery, calling over my shoulder, “Bundle up, sweet cheeks.”

Epilogue Two


A decade after meeting…

“Are you done lawyering for the day?” My wife asks as she sits on my desk and flicks my tie. As our third anniversary had approached seven years ago, she’d heard me giving legal advice to a customer at the pub and wondered if I’d missed it.

I’d had to truthfully admit that I did, which was a shock to me, but not her. She’d caught me watching certain shows on television, correcting their mistakes in regards to my field. She would inquire how I would’ve handled it with the evidence they’d given. Knowing I’d maintained my license in my hometown – I might’ve ran away from it, but I couldn’t let all the time and effort I’d put into it be for nothing – she suggested I see about getting one here.

At first, I’d balked, unsure I wanted to do it, so sure it would ruin the peace I’d found. Until, Cydne, genius that she is, had reminded me practicing in Sweetville isn’t exactly the same as in the big city.

The timing had proven too perfect to ignore as the only attorney in town had decided to pack up and move closer to his son. His first grandchild was due soon and he didn’t want to miss any of it.

It was a little sad leaving Tap That, but it was the best decision I’d ever made. Well, second only to falling for Cydne and starting our family.

Cydne is still an editor, her services in high demand, though she’s put a cap on the number she has on a regular basis because she decided to become a writer herself. Her books have been very well-received and she’s quickly gathering a devout following while garnering the interest of new readers on a steady basis.

Olivia is now eight, and devours books faster than we can get them for her. Thank goodness for ereaders as it opens all kinds of age appropriate possibilities for her, which Cydne and I monitor just to be safe.

Parker is six and I have a feeling he’s going to be a lawyer like his daddy. That boy tries to debate his way out of everything, even smacking his fist into his palm as if he’s giving his closing argument. A mannerism Cydne claims he picked up from me.

We’d talked about having more, but our family is complete as it is right now. We aren’t closing the door on a third if fate decrees it, though we are taking the necessary precautions. Cydne says if anyone’s sperm could render a condom useless, it would be mine. That had seemed like a challenge, and we’d tested her theory.

She was right as we’ve broken a few in our creativity – romance writers have fantastic imaginations – and exuberance, but the universe has either deemed us done as well, or it isn’t yet time to expand again.

“Have something else in mind to occupy me, Mrs. Walker?”

“The kids are at Dec and Nora’s for the night,” those two have become the surrogate uncle and aunt for our children, and I now consider Dec my best friend, as Nora is Cydne’s. I glance at my watch, just now realizing its six and she was taking them over at five-thirty, allowing me to finish up a case.

“You should’ve lead with that, sweetness,” I inform her, then scoop her up and race from my home office and into our bedroom where we have an adult sleepover, staying up until the wee hours of the morning.

Bodies replete with satisfaction and the love of my life snuggled against my side, her head on my chest, her fingers swirling through my chest hair, my eyes begin to close. And before exhaustion claims us, she whispers, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I know she isn’t negating our children, but we wouldn’t have them without each other, so I know what she means.

“The feeling is mutual, wife.”


“Cross my heart.”

* * *
