Page 9 of Class Act

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Penelope, ever the peacemaker, corrects him. Sort of. “You’re cwazy.” I scoop her in my arms, giving her cheek a kiss. She lays her head on my shoulder, her little fingers gripping the beard Madelyn persuaded me to grow as I stroke her hair, knowing she’ll be asleep within minutes.

Personally, life is everything I could’ve dreamed of and more. Professionally, ditto. I still work the land, only with fewer hours as Madelyn persuaded me to take on more employees, thereby providing jobs for some of the residents and lessening mine. She, essentially, acts as manager, overseeing the paperwork, ensuring our supplies are stocked, among many other things. I also resigned from teaching, though I keep my certification up to date as I offered to remain onboard as an available substitute. It wasn’t easy to take these steps back, but they were necessary.

For me. For my wife. For our family.

“Papa,” Malcolm exclaims as my dad comes into view. You’d think his volume would rouse his sister, but nothing can disturb her when she’s sleeping. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she has a button to turn off the outside. People would pay a fortune for that ability.

They’re going fishing, albeit at the pond on the property where any fish caught will be immediately returned, and I’m not sure who is more excited as each has been looking forward to it all week. And, as Grandma and Penelope are going to have girl time, so have Madelyn and I.

Because we’ll have the house to ourselves for the first time in…yeah, it’s best not to dwell on that. I adore my kids, but I need some alone time with my wife.


“Yes!” Madelyn shouts when I drive into her. Or perhaps that was me. Maybe even us simultaneously. Either way, being inside my soulmate never gets old.

“How do you get tighter?” I growl in her ear as my hand snakes around to cup her pussy, flicking her clit as I take her.

“Maybe you’re getting bigger,” she purrs.

Shit. “Hold on, baby,” I warn her. She instantly complies, reaching for the headboard and wrapping her fingers around the wood bars. However, showing that while she enjoys taking orders when we’re intimate, the same could be said for her tempting me. Thank fuck for that. She pushes back, taking me deeper.

“Give me another baby,” she urges, turning me primal at the mere thought. We’ve discussed having a third, and now that I have the green light to make it happen, nothing will stop me from giving her what she wants. What webothwant. I spill inside her moments later, pouring my seed as surely as I do my love, then we fall to the bed.

“I love you,” she says.

“I love you, too,” I state.

“So, this mail-order bride still has yourstampof approval? You’ll keep me?” She jokes.

“Baby, the second I saw you return to sender never entered my mind.”

* * *

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