Page 16 of Under His Skin

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“Daddy and Mommy said we can choose!” Maggie yells in her excitement at revealing their assignment.

“yeah, we get to do the honors,” Peter chimes in.

“It’s fun,” Paul adds.

“What did you pick?” Uncle Drew asks.

“Jeremiah for a boy, right?” You know who prods them. “Like we talked about.”

“You never got us that ice cream,” our daughter rats him out.

“I did, too,” he defends himself.

“Not that I remember,” the boys back up their sister in unison.

“You’re raising con artists,” he informs us with a stare at Simon, clearly blaming him for this. “They’re blackmailing me for more.”

Unperturbed by the accusation, Simon reminds him, “If you want to be their favorite uncle…”

“I don’t have any competition.”

“That makes it even sadder that you’re losing,” I tell him.

“Fine. You win, kids. Ice cream for you after you clean your plates.”

“Us, too,” Aunt Polly says. I give her a thumbs up, as does the baby currently doing somersaults inside me as they’ve been craving it non-stop.

Once our meal is done and the children have enjoyed their bribery dish, they promise Jeremiah they’ll choose his name if it’s a boy. He’s so happy he starts dancing around the house, making his wife, Kennedy, laugh her head off.

Leaning closer to me, Simon whispers, “When do we tell him it’s a girl?”

