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“What about the order from France?”I said into the phone. “Has that shown up?”

The attendant of the feline kin estate gave a short sigh. “No, but the shipping company has promised it’ll be here in the morning.”

I adjusted my position in the plane’s seat. The soft leather that covered most of the surfaces in the private jet that was carrying us from Nate’s estate to Marco’s was one of the most comfortable materials I’d ever sat on, but between my irritation and the weight of my daughter pressing down on me, I couldn’t enjoy it.

“It’d better be there,” I muttered. That was half of the drinks for the feline kin’s Christmas celebration. “And that machinery I put in a rental order for?”

“It showed up this afternoon, but apparently the delivery person realized there was a piece missing. He promised he’d get that to us tomorrow.”

Great. I stifled a groan and tipped my head back in the seat. The plane had gone through a bit of turbulence earlier, but now it was cruising along smoothly with nothing but a faint vibration in the floor and the hum of the engine to match. Maybe I’d feel better if I got up and paced some of this frustration out.

“Okay,” I said to the attendant, rubbing my eyes. My head was getting muggy from two busy days in a row. But we were only halfway through—and the feline kin had exacting standards. I couldn’t screw up there. “Thank you for the update. I’ll touch base with you in person in the morning.”

“Happy to help!” the puma shifter said in that slightly flat tone the feline kin were so good at, that always left you wondering if they were actually being sarcastic no matter what they’d said.

I shoved my phone into my purse and clamped my jaw against a yawn.

“Hey,” Aaron said, leaning over from the seat across the aisle from me. “Don’t you think you’ve been working on this enough for one day? I don’t think much is likely to change overnight.”

“I guess,” I said, and the yawn snuck out despite my best efforts, stretching my jaw. Well, that wasn’t the most convincing show of alertness either.

Marco got up and held out his hand to me. “Why don’t you come to the back room and really get some rest? We’ll all join you.”

I gave him an odd look. “It’s just the five of us. It’s not like we don’t have plenty of privacy right here.”

He shrugged with a sly smile. “One more door if the pilot happens to peek back from the cabin. And also, I may have arranged a bit of a renovation of the back room.”

He did know how to appeal to my curiosity. I hefted myself out of the seat and let him guide me down the aisle to the inner door just past the bathroom.

When I’d come into the back section of any of the alphas’ private jets before, I’d found nothing more than a smaller room with similar seating to the front. Tonight, the first thing I noticed as I pushed open the door was the lack of any seats at all along the closer wall. Then my gaze caught the end of a broad footboard.

The back room was set up as a bedroom. An oversized bed filled most of the space, two lamps glowing on the end tables at either side of it. A pearl gray duvet that looked deliciously airy stretched across the mattress.

“Okay,” I said. “I see your point.”

Marco laughed and nudged me toward the bed. I sat down on the edge and rolled my shoulders. The stress of the days ahead was still dragging at me. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to fall asleep.

“I think our dragon shifter deserves to relax,” Nate said, his rumble of a voice even lower than usual. He dropped down beside me and applied his strong hands to my shoulders. A contented sigh escaped me as he started to work over the tensed muscles of my neck and upper back with his insistent thumbs.

I sank into his touch, letting him support me while he continued his massage. Aaron and West climbed onto the bed, each taking one of my ankles and easing off my shoes. I hummed happily at the enjoyable burn of their careful fingers stretching the arches of my feet.

Marco settled next to me and started to stroke his hand lightly over my belly. It wasn’t the same sort of release as the others were offering, but I wouldn’t have wanted much pressure in that area anyway. His caress sent delightful shivers over my skin.

Nate worked his way down my back, and Aaron and West eased up from my feet to my calves. My eyes slid shut. I gave myself over to their ministrations, feeling every kink and knot smoothed away. For a few minutes, between the joint massage and the fluffy duvet beneath me, I could almost have believed I was floating.

As Nate’s hands circled my waist so his thumbs could dig into the small of my back, a different sort of pressure formed between my legs. The heat flowed up to my chest and down my thighs. My heart thumped faster with it.

My hunger for my mates had never completely faded, but I couldn’t say I’d felt all that much desire in the last month since my body had gotten increasingly unwieldy. But right now? Oh, hell, Idesired. There were other kinds of knots inside me that only these men could release.

My arousal must have scented the air. When I glanced down the bed, a spark had already lit in West’s eyes. He slid his hand up to my knee. “Can we do even more for you?” he asked, his voice so husky it made me shiver.

“Please,” I said. “I want— Mmm, yes, that.”

My wolf shifter had lowered his mouth to my leg, charting a course over the sensitive skin on the side of my knee. The stubble on his jaw in contrast with the tenderness of his kisses made the perfect mix of sharp and soft sensations.

With a pleased thrum in his chest, Nate scooted closer to me, pressing his lips to the crook of my neck. Marco eased up my dress to bare my panties and belly. He slipped his hand up under the fabric and flicked his thumb experimentally over the tip of my breast. At my eager gasp, he grinned.
