Page 14 of Diesel

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“Sounds like fun, but we have to stop at that ice cream place near the jetty. Otherwise it’s a deal breaker.”

She laughs at me, and I give her a kiss on the cheek and go to my father’s office. I don’t knock, I just push the door open like I own the place. He doesn’t bother to look up at me, he keeps talking to whoever is on the phone.

“Thank you, Richard. If you could get the contracts sent over to me to look over as soon as possible.”

Richard Gilmore is my father’s lawyer, they have been working together since I was a baby. Richard's son, Rhys, and I keep in contact, he’s planning on coming to watch my fight. It isn’t normally his kind of scene, his girl Ally is a bit of a ball buster, and she would probably kill him for coming to watch teenagers beat the shit out of each other. Her words not mine. But even he isn’t free of his father and knows that if a Briar wants something, they get it.

My father hangs up the phone and looks at me sitting across from him. “What can I do for you, son?”

“Why is the girl really in my room? Surely you have to know that I’m not best suited to looking out for a girl. My cock might accidently slip and fall into her.”

“You will do no such thing,” he snaps. “Mitchel Jamison is a very powerful man, and his daughter has been through a lot. He has trusted me with her welfare, and I expect you to do this one thing for me. It’s a few weeks, and then she will be moved.”

“Why isn’t she listed in the fights?”

“Because her father thinks she is too fragile.”

“And since when do you care what other people think?”

“I don’t, son, but he isn’t someone you want on your bad side. I need this business contact.”

I stare at my mirror image across the desk, “So what you’re really saying is you knew putting her with me, that I would nominate her for the fights, and once she is down, her father doesn’t really get a say.”

“I’m not saying anything, son, but it would be wise if a bid didn’t come from you. But if it was to come from, say Wilder, he isn’t in a class to actually fight for her. But you can nominate anyone if they’re in the right wealth status.”

This motherfucker. He threw her into our private space and hoped she would piss one of us off, and we would nominate her. I knew that his concern had to be too good to be true, and if I say something to the others, there is still a chance they would nominate her out of spite because that’s just how this world works. It’s every man for himself. All I can do is try and keep her off their radars for a few weeks, and then she will move to the girl’s dorms and out of my damn life.

Chapter Seven


I’m the first to walk into my form class, and the teacher looks up from his desk, and I smile. It's the teacher who gave me a lift back to my dorm last week. “Ah, we meet again,” he says. Damn he really is young and hot. He doesn’t look much older than mid-to-late twenties. Solid jawline, stubble that gives him that bad boy look, and his tie slightly loosened to give him the rebel vibe. Beats the elderly man that was here last week.

“That we do, I didn’t get a chance to thank you for the lift.”

He gets up from his seat and leans against his desk, his white button up shirt sleeves rolled to his elbow. “No worries, I actually went and inquired about why there was a female student in the Elite dorms, and I found out…”

“That I have a boy’s name and was mistaken for a guy, happens all the time. Apparently, the first time my father laid eyes on my mother ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ was playing, and it became their song. I would have much preferred to be called Billie, but I have grown to like my name.” I stop rambling when students start entering the room.

“I like it too; I just hope my nephew doesn’t give you too much trouble.”

“If your nephew is Diesel then we are already acquainted.”

“Just be careful, those boys are bad news.” He says before we are interrupted by the devil himself.

“Talking about me again, Unc? I’m hurt that my own blood could think so badly of me. Whatever would my father think?” The teacher's face scrunches up, his hatred for Diesel written all over his face. Diesel slaps his back with a smirk and walks to his seat, followed by Cuyler, Wilder, and the triplets.

The teacher takes his place in front of the class, and I find an empty seat in the second last row, taking my seat quickly.

“Class, welcome to day six of two hundred that you’re stuck here at school. You will see my handsome face five days a week, and some of you will be lucky to see me in maths too. Most of you know me, and for the new girl, Cyrus, not a male, I’m Mr. Briar, but I’m not into formalities so you can call me Emory.” He smiles and looks to the back row.

“Cuy, take off the bandana. You know it isn’t part of the uniform, and personally, I have better shit to do than babysit your ass in detention, and we all know Principal Baron is a ball buster; she scares me.” The whole class laughs. I can’t wait to meet this principal to see what she is like.

“I was really looking forward to spending quality time with you this year, Mr. B.” Cuy says. I feel my hair being pulled and realise my hair is being pulled down.

“Hey.” I snap, turning my head to face the idiot behind me. His smile takes over his face, his eyes beam with mischief.

“You’re welcome.” He smiles. Pulling his hair back into a high ponytail, one tendril of hair hangs across his face, the pull to lean back and tuck it behind his ear is strong.
