Page 44 of Diesel

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“Honestly, if there is a time I can repay the favour and you get to come to dinner with my father and his child bride-to-be, you will see that dysfunctional families are all the rage now.”

“If you ever need my services to make dinner a little more uncomfortable, just let me know.”

We head downstairs, and the guys are in the living room watching an action movie. I shoot them all a glare so they keep their mouths shut. Rebel doesn’t get that message.

“Damn girl, are you sure you fancy that asshole?” he says with a whistle while looking at Cyrus like she is his next meal. I take a step towards him, but Cyrus extends her arm in front of my stomach. A silent gesture to leave it be.

“You’re shit out of luck, brother, she was screaming his name not that long ago.” Ryot says not even looking our way. I smile and look at Cyrus, and her face is bright red.

“On that note, we’re out of here.”

Everyone murmurs goodbye, and we take the elevator down to the basement level where the carts are stored. Cyrus slides into my cart and tucks her dress under her legs so it doesn’t fly around. When she is finished, I take off out of the building and cut through the grass. Cyrus laughs when I explain why I don’t use the road. It might be childish, but Miss Baron would have nothing to do if I didn’t end up on her shit list every week.

It doesn’t take long to get to my parents’ house using my shortcut, I even make sure to park right in the garden, and Cyrus shakes her head at my antics. I help her slide out my side to avoid stepping on the squashed flower bed.

The front door flies open, and my mum rushes down the stairs with a huge smile on her face.

“I can’t believe that it’s true, you really brought a girl to dinner. When I told your father the other day that I couldn’t wait for you to find a nice girl, I was surprised when he told me that you were interested in someone already.”

I raise my brow at my mum, so that's why he invited Cyrus. My mother is getting her hopes up for a nice girl and the idea of a perfect life. One she thinks she has, but she doesn’t really. He may worship the ground she walks on when they’re together, but that doesn’t make up for the foundation of lies their marriage sits on.

“Mum, this is Cyrus, and it’s very new, so please don’t scare her away.”

“I won’t scare her away…hi, I’m Marilyn.”

“Hi,” Cyrus responds meekly.

Mum links her arm with Cyrus, and they walk inside together as Mum talks her ear off. I follow behind them until we reach the dining room where I stop dead in my tracks.

“What the fuck are they doing here?” I snap looking at my father, Emory, and Sax all seated at the table, my father holding a glass of whiskey in his hand.

“The last time I checked, this is my house, and I can invite whomever I want to dinner.”

I clench my jaw together to refrain from the verbal diarrhoea that is about to be unleashed. He’s done this on purpose, dangling Cyrus in front of them as a warning to me to not fuck this up. He stands from his chair and moves around the table to introduce himself to Cyrus.

“Malcolm Briar,” he says, extending his hand. She hesitates for a second, but I can’t see her face from here.

“Cyrus Jamison,” she finally replies, offering him her hand.

“Ah yes, Mitchel’s daughter. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Your father has told me a lot about you.”

I’m sure he has, you vulture. Always looking for his next scheme, his next deal that will screw over everyone except himself.

“How about we all sit?” Mum says. “Diesel, I have set you and Cyrus here next to me.”

Cyrus moves away from my father quickly, taking a seat across from Emory. I move and sit beside her, across from Sax, who smirks at me.

“Good to see your face healed nicely,” I throw at Sax after our fight. I was pissed when I saw he was up against me. He just had enough points to be able to fight in our league, and my father took it to the board, and they didn’t see an issue with my cousin fighting up. Considering he lost miserably, he now needs to win every fight he has between now and our last fight to even have a shot at fighting me again for Cyrus. If he is stupid enough to try, and he really is that stupid, I will wipe the floor with him just to prove a damn point.

“Girls dig scars,” he replies with a shrug. “Don’t they Cyrus?”

“I don’t know, it would depend on the girl.”

“What if my cousin was to get his face messed up?”

Cyrus looks at me and reaches out to grab my chin, she moves my face from side to side. “Nah, I think his face is perfect how it is.”

I lean in and place a kiss on her lips.
