Page 52 of Diesel

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She unwinds herself from me, opening the box once again, gently removing the bracelet and placing it over her wrist. I help her with the clasp. “Why the three hearts?"

“One for your past that I can’t change, one for the present because I really like you, and because I’m so confident, one for the future.” She flips the first heart over, and it has Zeke’s name engraved in it, and I have mine on the second. I left the last one blank because my mother insisted on not being too cocky. Tears spring to her eyes.

My uncle walks past, ruining the moment, always with the timing. Everyone follows him into the room, scanning their watches before taking their seats.

“What’s with all the commotion?” He asks, standing behind his desk, staring right at me. I just smile at him.

“Just Diesel declaring his love.” Tommy Smith, king of the preppy douche canoes, calls out. “If you missed the overload of heart eyes they are giving each other, we sure didn’t miss D giving his girl a thousand dollar Tiffany's bracelet.” I usually would have pounded his ass for talking about me, but the look on my uncle’s face when he looks over to Cyrus is worth it. I hold up her wrist showing everyone my gift.

“What can I say, my girl deserves the best, not my fault you cheaped out on the romantic gestures,” I say, and the guys beside me laugh, shaking their heads.

“You don’t have a romantic bone in your body, she will see that soon enough.” Tommy says, turning back to face the front of the class.

Once we’re dismissed from form class, Cyrus and I walk hand in hand to assembly. I wonder if this is what loving someone feels like. I never thought I would ever fall for another girl again after Belle. I always knew my father would have an issue with her, I just never thought he would have cared as much as he did. She knew the deal that I wouldn’t be able to officially be with her until I finished high school, and she was okay with keeping it behind closed doors. Until she left me, and I tried to find out why. She told Olivia I was stalking her and wouldn’t leave her alone. Then one day she left, and I haven’t seen her since.

Once we are in the auditorium, I lead us to the front row. The rest of the Alphas follow, none call me out and ask why we are sitting this close, even though I know they want to, but it will all make sense to them soon enough.

A few kids are already sitting in the row, and Wilder and Rebel move them along. I take up right to the centre of the row, and we sit down. Luna sits to her left, while I’m on her right. If it wasn’t for Cyrus and her friendship with Luna, I would not have allowed her into our space and especially our dorm. I’m breaking all my own damn rules for this girl. I’m a damn idiot for trying to make my father believe my feelings are not genuine.

Miss Baron takes the podium and asks us to stand for the national anthem, and we all do.

Olivia walks onto the stage after we finish the anthem, her gaze runs over me a little longer than it should, and I smirk at her.

“As you all know, I run the music club here at Briar. Today we have our two main stars showing you what we do. We still would love it if anyone would like to join, even you seniors.” People laugh and boo her, but she doesn’t seem to care. She takes her seat as the curtains are pulled up from behind her. As the curtains raise, whispers start across the whole room.

“Is that Draven Cavanagh?”

“Holy shit, it is.”

“What is he doing in Glee?”

"I didn’t know he could sing.”

Draven wasn’t happy about joining the music club, but the guy can sing. He made me promise to keep it a secret and was more than pissed at me when I told him I wanted him to sing today. I even paid a visit to sweet Olivia to ask her a favour. One she was more than happy to do with a few nice words thrown her way.

“This song is dedicated to our girl Cyrus. Diesel, you’re a lucky son of a bitch, you don’t deserve that one.” Draven laughs when Miss Baron coughs, a warning to keep it clean. I sit and stare at Cyrus as the song starts. They chose “Pillow Talk” by Zayn. Cyrus squeezes my hand, a smile plastered on her beautiful face.

Draven looks like your typical boy next door, shaggy hair, puppy dog brown eyes, and killer smile, Lux says it’s his appeal. The girl opposite him is a petite girl with almost white hair. Draven sings his parts like he is off in his own world, hers, she sings directly to him. She has a crush, and yet, he is oblivious. Cyrus looks over at me and smiles, my hand placed on her leg. This is normal girlfriend behaviour when their boyfriend does something sweet.

“If you don’t be careful, people might see through the bad boy act,” she whispers, and I laugh at her comment. I lean in and place a soft kiss on her lips, not giving a shit if the teachers can see us. When the song finishes, she pulls back to clap, along with the Alphas, who are whistling and clapping like idiots.

When assembly ends, we all have spare time before the first break, we’re supposed to use it to study, but we all head to an early lunch. When we arrive, we are not the only ones who have headed in early.

“Yo, D man, you need to stop showing us all up, first a bracelet and a song dedicated to your girl, what’s next?” Hendrix exclaims, taking a seat beside us.

“Don’t be hatin’ on my man, Drixx, just because he has game and you don’t.” Cyrus jokes, and fuck me dead, it turns me on that she gets along with my friends.

“I have game, the girls only need to see two things, okay three, but one is inappropriate, and D will kill me.” He winks at me, and I shake my head.

“Oh yeah, and what’s that? ” Cyrus asks, stuffing a bite of banana muffin in her mouth.

“This,” he says and smiles, his white teeth stand out against his dark skin. "And these.” He finishes as he pulls his shirt up, showing off an impressive eight pack.

“And the third?” She questions, and he winks at her swinging his hips. Her eyes drop to his crotch, and I shoot him a warning look.

“The guy has a tree trunk between his legs.” Lux says, joining the table, her comment causes two sets of eyes to look straight to her. “What?! He does! I’m not blind, and I have seen most of you naked a time or two. Most of you are impressive, but Drixx has a donkey dick.” Drixx high fives Lux and they both laugh.

“So, Draven, who is the girl you sang with?” Cyrus asks, changing the subject from Hendrixx and his massive dick.
