Page 16 of I'm Yours

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Hoping it’s one of the teens or Wynn or Marshall, I spin on the barstool. And my hopes are quickly squashed. Seth walks in with John Bryant, and there are two reasons why this causes my heartrate to spike.

One, because I’m still processing Jo’s words, and seeing Seth makes me wonder how true they are. I know he’s the one who lined this job up for me, but if he was truly interested in me likethat, wouldn’t he say something? If I know one thing about Seth, it’s that he’s blunt. He doesn’t kill time by shooting the wind, and he sure doesn’t beat around the bush, so I have a hard time believing her. That said, a small part of me wishes it was true, because I can’t help but agree that he’s not hard on the eyes. He’s on a break for this meeting so he’s in his uniform, and the early morning sun bounces off his chest badge as he and John make their way inside, talking about something I can’t understand from over here.

The second reason is because I don’t know John or the Bryants extremely well, but something about John has always made me too aware that my own father is gone. I don’t think about my parents very often—it’s been eight years since they died in a car accident, so they never met Pete or my children. And though they were good people, the two years before they died weren’t pretty. I think that’s why I rarely allow myself to dwell on memories from growing up.

John and his wife Jackie, however, are like the parents I think I always wanted. And maybe that’s why I feel a pang as I watch the dynamic between Seth and John. Maybe that’s why I feel so safe around John. I know he was in an accident that ended his career as a cop prematurely over twenty years ago. Since then, he and Jackie have built an incredible legacy through their inn. I also know that any time I’ve talked to either of them, they’ve been nothing but kind. It’s the same with their four kids.

Then Seth glances in my direction and slows noticeably, his gaze falling to my feet and tracing back up to my eyes. I wish I could say I don’t notice the way his eyebrows raise ever so slightly, but that is not the case. I notice how he rests his hands on his gun belt like he always does when he’s on duty and talking to someone. I notice he probably hasn’t shaved in a couple days because there’s a shadow on his square jaw that only adds to his attractiveness. I notice that, despite the fact that he does look relaxed, he also looks slightly nervous, and I secretly like knowing he’s not one-hundred-percent confident in this project. Does he hope it’ll help these kids? Oh, I know so. I have the same hope. But no matter what we do or teach them or show them, it’s up to them if they want to accept the help.

Joanna clears her throat as they get to the counter. “Morning, guys. Can I get either of you something to drink? Unfortunately, Scotty isn’t here yet, otherwise I’d offer you some snacks.”

“We’ll be fine,” Seth says, then gestures to John. “I thought we could use another set of hands for this renovation, so I hope you don’t mind that I asked John. Figured he knows a thing or two.”

Since I’m pretty sure he’s saying that to me, I mentally slap my face back and forth a few times to snap out of whatever trance I put myself into and smile. “No. Yes—No, I mean, that’s totally fine. You probably know more than I do, so that’s a great idea.”

“I don’t know about that, but I’m happy to help when I can,” John says good-naturedly. I think he’s probably around sixty-five, but he’s still a handsome man. Though not quite as tall as Seth, he’s in nearly as good of shape physically, as evidenced by his muscled forearms and broad shoulders. His brown hair is peppered with gray and his eyes are a steady, comfortable shade of blue. I didn’t know him when he was chief of police, of course, but I imagine he filled the role just as perfectly as Seth does now. “Seth was telling me about the group of kids he put together, and I have to say that I’m impressed you stepped up to help. This one can be stubborn sometimes.”

“Oh, well, he kind of left me no choice.”What?I didn’t mean to say it that way, but now it came out and Seth’s lips quirk ever so slightly, so I force myself to continue. “I mean, he didn’t force me to do it or anything, but when he told me there were kids involved, it was really hard to say no.”

It was weak, and I know it, but at least I’m not totally lying. Seth doesn’t completely buy it, though, because his grin has grown. I sort of wish I could just sink into the floor right now. Maybe Joanna would let me slip out the back door and I could just skip the meeting. Is that a cop-out?

“I’m sure the kids will appreciate it.” John is far too kind to point out my over-the-top explanation, and I’m grateful to him for it.

“Let’s hope so,” Seth mumbles under his breath. He pulls his phone from the pocket on his chest when it rings and sighs. “I’m going to have to take this. The kids should be here any minute, and I’ll try to keep this quick. John, would you mind putting a couple tables together?”

“I’ll help you,” Joanna volunteers, then glances at me. “Because I think y’all need some snacks—any good brainstorming session goes a lot better with food—why don’t you grab a few things from my office? You know where I keep my stash.”

See, this is why I can’t stay mad at Joanna. She might be wrong about Seth (I’m saying that so I’ll believe it) and she’s just the slightest bit obnoxious sometimes, but not once has she ever left me hanging when I’ve needed her. I love Alice, I do, but sometime a girl needs someone closer to her age to talk to. Or, for the instances when I’m tempted to call Pete and metaphorically wring his neck for not contacting his kids, to take my phone and hide it in her locked car until I’ve calmed down. Friendships are all about balancing each other out. I like to think she dares me to live a little bolder and I force her to tame her free spirit a little bit.

“And while you’re back there,” she whispers once John is out of earshot, “I have some perfume in my purse you might want to spritz on. You know, just to complete your outfit.”

And just like that, every good thing I was just thinking about Joanna goes out the window as she tosses a saucy grin over her shoulder and dashes off to help John with the table.

Chapter Eleven


By the time we’re almost done with the meeting I’m about ready to toss my phone out the window I’m sitting next to. I have a good team of officers, I really do. But sometimes I wish they’d realize they have the skillset from their training to handle things on their own without coming to me for guidance. Especially in instances like today when it was only a matter of a couple traffic stops and attempted—but not successful—theft of a candy bar by some kid from the convenience store. I’m willing to put money on the fact that a dare was the root of it. If it comes up again, there’ll be consequences. For now, give him a warning.

On a brighter note, we were able to decide on a few ideas to implement into the renovation. I was a little hesitant about how the teens would react to talking with Wynn and Marshall, but for the most part everything has gone well. Luka surprised me by asking quite a few questions and suggesting multiple things in relation to how we could arrange the floorplan, and even Mazzy voiced a few ideas. Colin, who’s on the other end of the table from me, was surprisingly quiet, and Alessia was about the same as usual. She did say it would flow better if the kitchen and living room were open concept, which is a step in the right direction.

I’m glad I went with my hunch from this morning to contact John, though. Not only is he extremely handy when it comes to home renovations (he, Wynn, and Marshall have pitched in on projects with my house over the years), but he has a police background. He’s sitting across from me, so I’ve been able to read his expressions this whole meeting. Even though it’s been over twenty years since he was on the job, he’s still sharp. I can see him studying each of the kids, taking note of how they talk, keeping track of their body language. Not only will he have insight after this meeting is over, but if I ever can’t make it to the renovation site, I would feel better if he was there. I really don’t think any of the kids will harm each other or Jenna, but the chances are even slimmer if John or myself is present.

Speaking of Jenna, she dressed up for the occasion. When I walked in and saw her sitting there in that dress, I was shocked. Not in a bad way, but…man. Though this isn’t the first time I’ve seen her in a dress, it’s been a while. I think that’s why I was so surprised. It’s a white dress, which highlights her tan skin and makes me all too aware of just how soft and feminine she really is. And maybe my nose was playing tricks on me, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t smell like perfume when I got here and then she did when she came back from getting the snacks from Joanna’s office. I could be wrong.

I just don’t think I am.

“…draw up a blueprint,” Marshall is saying, and I force my thoughts away from Jenna to concentrate on the conversation. Easier said than done when she’s sitting directly beside me. I will not share how many times I’ve inhaled just to get a whiff of her coconut scent. “It shouldn’t take very long, and I can probably get it done by the end of the week.”

“Can I draw a few sketches?” Alessia asks. She glances nervously at Jenna, then me, and then Marshall. “I don’t know very much, but I really like sketching stuff.”

John’s brows raise, and he looks at me as he inclines his head ever so slightly in Jenna’s direction. I see it—Jenna’s an artist, and Alessia enjoys drawing. Common ground for them to explore.

“Of course.” Marshall tidies the notes he’s taken over the course of the meeting. “Tell you what, I’ll make copies of these and get them to Seth by the end of today, and then he can give them to you. I’ll still draw up a blueprint for you all to have, but it’s just a guide. You’re the ones doing the project, not us.”

Colin snorts. “Yeah, but what if the house falls in on us or something? We don’t even know if the foundation is good or not.”

“We’ll get an inspector out in the next couple days,” I say. “I did check it out and everything looks decent, but we’ll make sure before starting any of the work.”
