Page 75 of I'm Yours

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“And yet, when I try to be in their lives, you throw a big fit and go crying to your new boyfriend. The one who happens to be a cop.”

That, the inflection of his voice when he brings Seth into this, snaps something inside of me. “Seth doesn’t deserve what you’ve clearly labeled him as because he’s a good man, and he doesn’t need to prove anything to you. So, let me make this simple: If you want to see the kids, I would like to be there and I would like the chance to tell them that you’re coming before you show up. That’s all I’m asking.”

Pete studies me for a long moment, then stands to his feet and pushes his chair in. “I need to be back in Kansas City by four tomorrow afternoon for a client meeting. If you don’t text me with how I can see the kids before Sierra and I leave tomorrow morning at seven, my lawyer will be emailing you.”

“I get off work at five and it’s usually not until six-thirty that we’re done with supper,” I say, also standing. I don’t want to sit and talk to this man while he’s towering over me, even if my height of five-four still dwarfs me. “You can come over at seven.”

“Sierra will be coming with me.”

“And Seth will be there, too.” I don’t mention he’ll be off duty, because if he wants to know, he can ask.

Pete gives a curt nod. “We’ll see you at quarter to seven.”

“Seven. Please.”

He releases an exaggerated sigh. “Fine.”

Then he turns on the heel of his dress shoe and walks back into the restaurant, leaving me standing there and trying to process what just happened. He gave me what I asked for—and that was time to tell the kids their father is in town and he’s coming to our house to see them. Do I like it? No. Do I have to like it? No. But I honestly don’t want to get into a big argument with Pete and see this go to court, so if he’s behaving, I’m going to do the same. I’m a grown woman and he’s a grown man, and we have two children together. If we’re both handling it like the adults we are, I can be civil.

Friendlymay be a stretch, but I can and I will be civil.

And if he wants to make arrangements to see the kids more frequently moving forward, I will have to be okay with that. If he would try to push going to court to get sole or joint custody, then I would have to figure out what to do, because I can’t lose Ella and Eli.

But that’s putting the cart before the horse. Today, it’s just a visit. For all I know it’s just Pete wanting to get a rise out of me by coming around after two years. That’s what happened two years ago when we hadn’t seen him since the divorce was finalized. I guess I can pray he’s doing this out of genuine desire to see his kids and not spite.

I still have thirty minutes left of my lunch break and Joanna’s in a meeting with a prospective new line cook—I insisted that she keep the meeting, even though she was practically fuming when I filled her in on what happened after she and Ben left last night—so I make my way through the restaurant and head out the front doors. I don’t really have much of an appetite, even though the meeting technically went better than I expected, so I simply let the sunshine bathe my face as I walk aimlessly down the sidewalk. I end up in front of an insurance agency a couple businesses down from Bryant Bros. Construction and lower onto the bench.

I pull my phone out to call Seth, but something stops me from doing it right away. Instead, I lower the device to my lap and simply turn my face to the sun, allowing my eyes to sink closed. If there’s one thing I know for sure, I haven’t come this far and built the life I have to let this one disturbance completely rock my boat.


I shade my eyes as I glance up when I hear John’s voice, and try to smile even though I’m not quite able to make it convincing. “John. Hi. I was just…having a moment.”

His steady blue eyes assess me for a quiet beat of silence, then he pulls his hand from the pocket of his jeans to gesture to the bench. “Mind if I join you?”

Because his calm, gentle presence alone has already soothed my raw emotions, I shake my head. He lowers onto the bench beside me, leaning back, his palms resting on his thighs.

“Seth called me earlier,” he says quietly, mindful of the people walking by. “It’s my understanding that your children’s father is back in town?”

A wave of emotions roll through me, but I nod.

“Is he causing problems?”

“None that aren’t perfectly legal,” I say, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly. “He tells me all he wants is to see the kids. Last night I probably pushed my rights a little far because I know I don’t have any ground to keep them from him. But I just didn’t want to wake them up and then shock them by having their father in our house when it was almost eleven o’clock.”

“That’s understandable. I would think, as a man, he could respect that.”

“I don’t think he wanted to, but he did leave. I just came from a meeting with him now.” I turn my phone over in my lap, needing something to do with my hands. “He didn’t give me any indication if he’s doing this so he can see them and then try to get custody in the future, but I told him I’d like the chance to tell the kids they’ll be seeing him, and I don’t get off work until five. He’s going to come to my house at seven.”

“Are you comfortable having him in your home? Or would you rather do it in a neutral location?”

“I considered it, but I think the kids would feel safer if we were at home. Pete said he’s going to bring his new wife, and I told him Seth would be there.” I finally work up the nerve to look at him, and I don’t know why, but it surprises me when all I see looking back at me is paternal kindness. “Did Seth tell you…” I trail off because I don’t know what Seth has told John about Sierra or his past, and I don’t want to be the one to bring it up if I shouldn’t.

“That your former husband is married to his ex-girlfriend?” Amusement crinkles the corners of his eyes, and he nods. “Yes, he did. I have to say I didn’t expect that one, but from what I know about both of them, they seem well suited to each other.”

For the first time since I saw Pete’s vehicle pull into my driveway last night, I feel an authentic laugh bubble out of me. “You know what, that’s a very true statement. I could be happy two people like that found each other, right?”

John chuckles and squeezes my shoulder. “Way to look at the bright side, Jenna. I know you don’t know me or my family well, but please know our door is always open. We would love to get to know you and your kids better. Seth thinks very highly of you and Ella and Eli, and believe me, he’s not an easy one to win over.”
