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Penelope wasn’t exactly worried about the measurements; after all, she and Clara were similar in size. Perhaps the gown might be a little tight, but at least it wouldn’t be hanging off her frame. It was the dress’s even being there in the first place that concerned her. Such a beautiful gown could only be meant for one thing.

"Wha … what is it for?" Penelope asked, unsure about whether she even wanted to know the answer. Her skin was already crawling, her feet itching for her to jump up from the bed and run.

"Oh, My Lady, it is only the best day of your life!" Mrs Cartwright announced, sounding far more gleeful than was right for a housekeeper who ought to be stern and proper at all times. "Why, it reminds me of when I married my Mr Cartwright, though I dare say, My Lady, that you have caught yourself an even greater catch than my own."

I didn't want to catch anything!Penelope thought, her fingers tightening in the bedclothes on either side of her, fighting the urge to get up and run away like a headless chicken.

"I … umm …" Penelope stammered, unable to imagine how she was ever going to get out of this one.

"My Lady, as I assured you yesterday, the duke has seen to it that you have a lady's maid," Mrs Cartwright continued, gesturing the young maid forward, "please allow me to introduce you to Miss Tess Holden. You may feel free to call her Holden as is tradition for ladies’ maids in England. I am unsure as to whether it is the same in France."

Penelope opened her mouth to say that it differed from region to region, but before she could, Mrs Cartwright told Holden, "Please pour your lady a glass of juice. We must begin preparing. The wedding is little more than a few hours away."

Why did I let myself fall to sleep?Penelope cursed herself. If the wedding was to take place this very day then the townhouse would be crawling with either servants and family and maybe even guests! Bile rose in the back of Penelope's throat as she quickly realised she had only one option left.

She was going to have to marry the duke. All she could hope for now was that she would get to know him well enough, and vice versa, that he might protect her when the time finally came to face the St Clairs again. All she could pray was that they would not arrive before she had time to let him see her before she could give him the truth and throw herself upon his mercy.

I'll marry him and bide my time, and when the time comes, I shall happily agree to an annulment and a quiet farewell if he will offer me protection from the Comte,she decided, the plan coming to her in the spur of the moment.

She did not allow herself to think for one moment that she had remained that night because she could think of far worse things than being married to the duke. Remembering again how she had felt at the thought of him kissing her, she realised that her fantasy might very well become a reality in a few short hours.

You're in too deep to turn back now,she told herself as she watched Mrs Cartwright beginning to remove the gown from its hanger. Feeling more trapped than ever, Penelope decided there was nothing left to do but accept one cage for another.

At least trapped in a duke’s townhouse she would be well connected for any job that might arise, any opportunity to sneak away in the middle of the night to Cornwall or Whitby or even some other seaside town she had heard of where people rarely travelled unless it was for leisure.

She couldn’t imagine the Comte travelling all over England looking for her; eventually, she would be free. She just had to wait. Maybe she would even send the duke a letter explaining everything one day, the late Comte had made that much possible for her. Maybe once all was set straight, the duke might even still marry Clara.

I will make everything right,she vowed to herself,one day.

Chapter 13

It was a relief to Anthony that they could do things so quickly and discreetly. The thought of marrying a practical stranger in front of a chapel full of people had never appealed to him, and Lady Rose’s early arrival had given him everything he needed to make the changes he had so desperately desired.

Even if they were to have a larger ceremony later on that everyone would be able to take part in, at least with their nuptials taking place so quietly, they could at least get to know each other better beforehand.

“Brother, are you well?” Elizabeth’s voice caused Anthony to almost jump right out of his skin as he stood in the living room, awaiting their small number of guests. His sisters and close friend Jonathan Sweeting would be the only witnesses in attendance, thanks to his quick invitations the day before.

A part of him wondered whether Lady Rose might want something a little larger, though he had already assured himself that he would give her whatever she wanted after the fact. After all, she would have singlehandedly helped him save all that had fallen into his lap without even knowing it.

He looked up to find Elizabeth in the doorway, but before he could respond, Emily barged right past their sister and entered the room in a flourish of pale pink with a brilliant smile.

“Oh, Elizabeth, did you ever think you would see the day?” Emily gasped, swirling around as though she was already celebrating in a dance all her own, giving thanks for the wedding that hadn’t even taken place yet.

“Forgive me, brother, I did warn her to be on her best behaviour, but you know well what she is like.” Elizabeth sighed, offering Emily a warning glare, which the young blonde ignored or missed entirely.

“Oh, do not be so worrisome, Elizabeth,” Anthony insisted, reaching out to take hold of Emily and pull her under his arm for a quick embrace. He offered Elizabeth his other arm, and as he had done when they were little, he embraced both his sisters at once, causing them all to chuckle merrily.

“Today is going to be a good day,” Emily announced with firm belief in her voice, and Anthony had to admit he felt as though he agreed with her. He was just nodding when the sound of footsteps drew all their gazes towards the door once more.

Anthony held his breath, half expecting Lady Rose to appear in the doorway, but as he caught sight of Mr Cartwright, he told himself not to be so foolish. Lady Rose would be the very last person to arrive in the living room. After all, the ceremony couldn’t very well begin without her, and it was a bride’s prerogative to be late, even if she was only upstairs in her quarters, preparing for their nuptials.

I wonder if she is as nervous as I am,Anthony thought as Mr Cartwright announced, “My Lord, Mr Sweetings has arrived for you.”

A wave of relief washed over Anthony at the thought of his closest friend’s arrival. Having sent the invitation only the afternoon before, Anthony had been fearful that it would not reach his friend in time. Yet as the butler stepped out of the doorway, Jonathan stepped into the room with a welcoming smile upon his face.

“Well, I never!” Jonathan gasped, bowing to both of Anthony’s sisters. “Never have I seen two such beautiful young ladies.”

“Oh, Jonathan, you do flatter us.” Elizabeth smiled, blushing as she offered her hand to the gentleman who crossed the room to kiss both hers and her sister’s hand before he turned to Anthony and instantly embraced him in a brotherly hug.

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