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Though it was only short and sweet, it was just that, sweet. It appeared heartfelt and kind and never before had Penelope felt such things from anyone, especially not since the death of her mother and the late Comte. Though the two deaths were not connected, Penelope couldn’t help feeling that they were the two main reasons for her recent misery, that and Lady Clara and her mother.

Trying not to think about such things, Penelope read the letter over again, this time not allowing it to tug on her heartstrings. Yet now that she read it much more seriously, she quickly realised something,Lady Elizabeth and Lady Emily believe I have spent the night with their brother!

Her cheeks instantly began to flush red hot, and her chest tightened. Her heart hammering, she glanced over the paper at Holden as she quickly thought that the maid likely had the same thought as the duke’s sisters. Was she wondering how Penelope’s night with the duke had gone?

Penelope couldn’t say she would blame her for having such thoughts; after all, wedding nights were always the talk of the servant hall whenever their was one. It appeared to be human nature to speak on bedroom matters, at least out of earshot of the residents of the house.

Penelope knew there was no way Holden would ever dare to ask her about it personally, not when she truly believed that Penelope was the new mistress of the household.

At least I can avoid those questions,Penelope thought, though she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to face the duke’s sisters when they believed that she had been deflowered by him the night before. Would it be as embarrassing as if he had actually deflowered her?

Deciding that it was best not to think about it, she turned her attention to determining what would be best. Would a new bride attend breakfast with her husband’s sisters rather than spending it with her husband?

“Has the duke risen yet?” she asked before she’d had a chance to think of how the question might come across.

“I do not believe so, My Lady,” Holden responded, going about her business of re-tidying the bedroom even though nothing had really been touched since the night before. Penelope imagined that Mrs Cartwright had given the girl a firm talking to about exactly what was expected of her, and she was being overly cautious not to mess things up. Penelope was at least relieved that the lady’s maid did not look intrigued by the question.

Perfect, perhaps breakfast with his sisters is exactly what I need to avoid being alone with him again,she thought, knowing that if she was already at breakfast with his sisters when he arose from his bed, he couldn’t very well object.

“Holden, please, could you take this tray?” Penelope asked. There was no time for tea and biscuits before breakfast. Penelope wondered why the lady’s maid had even brought them until she quickly remembered once more what everyone believed to have occurred the night before.

Likely everyone believed she might need some refreshment after the occurrence. Determined not to look strange, she quickly picked up a plain biscuit from the pile on the plate in front of her and waited for Holden to take the tray before she bit into it. “I think I shall join Lady Elizabeth and Lady Emily for breakfast while the duke is still abed.”

“Of course, My Lady.” Holden nodded, and to Penelope’s relief, she did not seem suspicious or even remotely curious. Instead, the lady’s maid did as she was bid and took the tray from her mistress. Penelope watched her move to the end of the bed and place the tray on the end table before she clambered out from under the bedsheets.

At the very last moment, Penelope realised her mistake. She had pushed back the bedsheets and did not miss the flicking of her lady’s maid’s eye towards the mattress where the sheets were still pristine white.

If Holden knew something was amiss, she did not let on, and Penelope was forced to keep telling herself repeatedly that a woman as young as her would not know exactly what she was looking for. She could only hope that the lady’s maid wouldn’t go running to the other servants and tell them all about the lack of blood on the marital sheets.

“Holden, will you perhaps have a bath drawn for me?” she asked, attempting to distract the maid from all that might be buzzing through her mind.

“Oh, yes, of course.” Holden smiled, and in a moment, she had turned and crossed the room to the door, curtseying before she announced, “I shall return momentarily, Your Grace.”

Penelope continued to hold her breath for several moments longer before finally releasing it. She wasn’t sure how she would get out of this but knew she had to do it soon. With every day that passed, she could feel herself falling further and further into the hole she had dug, and pretty soon, she was sure somebody was going to figure out the truth. There was only so long that she could keep pretending.

At least for now, she might be able to keep herself distracted and avoid the duke by spending most of her time with his sisters; they did not seem unwilling for her to do so. In fact, they were close to her own age, and she was certain they would be most welcoming as they already had been.

Hopefully, they will merely think I am the nervous new wife,she thought, hoping they might take pity on her and help her to avoid the duke out of sympathy. It wasn’t much of a plan, but at least it was something.

Chapter 19

Anthony had taken about all he could of being avoided. Though it was clear Lady Rose was trying not to make it obvious, he could tell quite easily that was what she was doing. Yet, he couldn’t say that he blamed her, not after what had occurred on their wedding night. He was still ashamed at having lost control of himself, but he was also still determined.

Anthony announced at breakfast on the third morning after their wedding, “Tomorrow, we shall retire to the country.”

The heads of all three women, his wife, and his sisters, instantly whipped up, and their eyes alit upon him with shock.

“But brother, there are balls and dinners we must attend here in London!” Emily was the first to whine, as he had expected. Though Lady Rose looked just as horrified as his youngest sister did, and it hurt his heart to see it.

Is she truly so opposed to spending any time with me?he thought, knowing that being in the countryside would only give them more chance to spend time alone together. Again, he reminded himself of what had happened the last time they had been alone together, and he couldn’t say that he blamed her for looking so frightened.

Seeing the devastation upon both his sisters' faces, surprised that even Elizabeth looked disappointed at his announcement, he was pleased to be able to also announce, “I was talking of myself and my wife.”

Again the three women looked shocked, and Lady Rose had grown so pale that for a moment, Anthony worried if he might have made her truly ill. Could she possibly be so sick to her stomach at the thought of going away with him?

“You will not take us with you, brother?” Elizabeth asked, and although she sounded curious and slightly disappointed, he could tell from the glint in her eye that she was relieved.

“As Emily says, the two of you have engagements here in London that I would not expect you to miss upon such short notice,” Anthony explained with a smile at both of his sisters on his left before he turned his full attention to the beautiful wife sitting at his right-hand side.
