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Richard snorted.

“Florence Carey? Where did you get that idea from?”

“I overheard him and Aunt Cecily talking about her. They agreed she would be a good wife for you.”

Rafe burst out laughing.

“Are you quite serious, Gregory? Florence and Richard despise each other. They’ve made it clear over the years. That will be practically impossible to carry out without one killing the other.”

Gregory frowned.

“He’s the heir to the Viscountcy. He needs to think about marriage, not about having fun.”

“At my age, I’m entitled to do what I want. And what I want is certainly not contemplating marriage with someone I wouldn’t put out if she was on fire.” Richard turned to Rafe, still shaking his head. “Shall we get ourselves ready? It can’t be that long before we have to leave. We’re not going to get the prime part of the day if we want to hunt.”

“I’m sure Father and Sebastien will be out shortly. Speaking of which,” Rafe turned when he heard footsteps, “that sounds like them now.”

Sure enough, the tall, stocky frame of Earl Blackmore came out from the house, followed by Sebastien. His eldest son was scowling, glaring at his father’s back. Blackmore didn’t seem to notice, or care, as he strode over to the group, clapping Rafe on the shoulder.

“So, are we ready?”

“I believe so, Father.”

“Richard! Good you could get here, lad.” Blackmore shook Richard’s hand firmly, giving Gregory a brisk nod. “Your father was unable to come, then? Is he still not well enough?”

“He’s well enough to get out of bed, but his colour hasn’t quite come back.” Richard shook his head. “Mother said it was better that he sit this one out and didn’t overdo it for himself.”

“It’s a shame. I do wish that he was here, but I hope he gets better.” Blackmore clapped his hands. “Right, let’s go and get our horses. The pheasants and deer aren’t going to wait for us.”

Rafe picked up his rifle.

“Ready when you are, Father.”

Still wearing a broad grin, Blackmore headed in the direction of the stables. Rafe followed him, Richard falling into step beside him. Gregory and Sebastien followed, Sebastien’s face still looking like a thundercloud.

“So,” Rafe heard Gregory say suddenly, “who was Blackmore trying to get you to marry now, Sebastien? Or is he just that determined to get you to marry anyone?”

“He says he’s got the perfect young lady who is willing to marry me without worrying about anything except doing her duty,” Sebastien grumbled. “I told him it’s not going to happen. Especially not with the woman in question.”

Gregory sounded amused.

“Not quite a woman of your tastes, then?”

“Not when the woman in question is my brother’s lady.”

Rafe stopped and spun around. He thought he hadn’t heard correctly.

“What did you say? Did Father just….”

“Did Father say I should have Katherine Romaine as my wife?” Sebastien nodded. “Yes, he did.”

Rafe really couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Katherine was his woman. They were in love, and Rafe had been planning on making her his wife. He had brought Katherine to the house plenty of times, and his father knew about this. Why would he suddenly say something like that?

“What?” Richard looked just as shocked. “But, he…he can’t do that!”

“Can he not?” Gregory looked slightly smug. “After all, she’s being courted by two different gentlemen. What’s one more added to that?”

“What are you talking about?” Rafe demanded.
