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“I love it,” she whispered. “This is the best gift you’ve ever given me.”

We kissed until both of us gasped for air. And when our lips separated, I looked into Alex’s eyes, brushing her hair behind her ear.

“I want to paint all four of you in my new studio.”

I raised her hand to my mouth and kissed her skin. “As you wish, my queen.”

With death comes life, and with sadness comes joy. I told myself that as I stared in the mirror at my changing body. The weight gain was subtle, but enough for me to notice.

My men were afraid to waste another second, especially now that Fitzy was dead. So we needed to move forward withLegare, the ceremony that would crown me Queen of The Devil’s Knights, binding me to my men forever.

My grandfather was transitioning into his new role as the Grand Master of The Founders Society, but until it was official, we were still on edge. Only a few days had passed since Fitzy’s funeral. Bastian and Damian seemed to bounce back quickly, leaving their pain and the past behind them. They shed those parts of themselves the night we shared our bodies with each other.

Luca entered my bedroom, quiet as a mouse, and moved behind me. His blue eyes met mine in the mirror as I fixed the silky white gown into place. The paper-thin ceremonial dress barely covered my breasts. Not like it mattered, since you could see my nipples through the fabric. A slit ran up the length of my thigh. I wasn’t wearing panties because what was the point? We would undress in front of The Devil’s Knights.

Nerves shook through me. Luca pressed his warm body against my back, and I felt safe, comforted by his touch. He always seemed to know when I needed him.

“Don’t be afraid,mi amore,” he whispered into my ear. “The Knights will do anything for their queen. This isn’t about sex. It’s about them pledging their loyalty.”

I spun around to face him and kissed his lips. “It’s important I’m bound to all four of you.”

“You will be soon.” His tongue swept into my mouth with a fiery passion, which only made me crave more of him as our lips separated. “Are you ready, Mrs. Salvatore?”

Yesterday, we went down to the courthouse and made it official. We didn’t want to leave anything to chance with Lorenzo on the loose. The wedding our families had planned was only for show, an attempt to lure Lorenzo out of hiding. We assumed he would try to break up the wedding so he could steal me away from his nephews.

Besides,Legarewas the real binding of the five of us. Tonight, my men would become mine in every way that mattered. I couldn’t just marry one of them, not when all of them were mine. In all of our minds, this was our wedding and even more important.

I offered Luca my hand and smiled.

“Mrs. Salvatore,” he said with a grin. “I’ve been waiting a long time to call you that.”

He led me downstairs, where his brothers waited in the sitting room with Sonny, Drake, Callum, Finn, and Cole. As part of the ritual, the sons of the founding families of Devil’s Creek had to witness our union.

They stopped talking when we walked into the room. All of their eyes drifted up and down the length of my body, stripping me bare.

“Let’s go,” Luca ordered. “It’s time.”

He placed his hand on my back and led me out of the sitting room, headed toward the front door. Everyone trailed behind in silence. I could hear my heart pounding as we approached the limousine waiting for us. We piled inside without a word, the silence in the air hanging between us as we drove off the estate.

“All of this uncomfortable silence is freaking me out,” I told them. “Someone, please turn on music or say something.”

Luca ordered Sonny to deal with distributing the alcohol. A rap beat floated through the air, ridding us of the awkward silence. My other three guys sat across from us, watching me with desire on their handsome faces. I couldn’t wait to touch them, to be bound to them in a more permanent way.

Luca pulled me onto his lap with one hand on my breast and the other between my legs. “Already making my cock hard,” he groaned. “Wait until we get to the temple.”

To torture him, I rubbed my ass on his erection. “Can’t wait.”

We arrived at the marina a few minutes later. Luca helped me out of the limo and slid his arm behind my back. My dress swept across the ground as we walked toward the bay. With my shoulders bare, my skin dotted with tiny bumps from the soft breeze blowing off the water. I felt like a Roman goddess in this dress, elegant and ethereal, in every way a queen.

We walked down a flight of stairs, past The Founders Club entrance and into the catacombs beneath Devil’s Creek. Salt and the scent of moss floated through the air. With each step we took underground, my nose twitched from my stupid allergies. I sneezed a few times by the time my feet hit the bottom of the staircase.

At the end of the hallway, Luca removed a skeleton key from his pocket. He pulled a brick from the wall, inserted the key into a lock, and Marcello helped him open the hidden door.

We rounded one corner, then another, the space dimly lit by lanterns hung on the walls. Peculiar symbols etched into the stone walls lit by lanterns. Strange, demonic type of art that I’d noticed the last time we were in the temple.

I pointed at the drawings as we passed. “What are those?”

“You know how the Freemasons have symbols?” Luca said. “We have our own.”
