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“She was dressed for bed,” Jarah said in confusion. “She was trying to find the kitchen. I saw her and spoke to her about it. She was lost.”

“The whispers implied that she had come from Sheikh Abadi’s suite.”

Next to him, Mikal stiffened. “You are insinuating that she met him during his gala and betrayed Jarah. She would never, and you know it, Father.”

Jarah needed no more proof that Mikal had softened toward Aubrey. When he looked at his brother questioningly, Mikal shrugged. “It’s clear where her loyalties lie whenever she looks at you. It’s obvious to everyone that she loves you.”

Shock punched him in the gut. Aubrey loved him. His wife loved him, and everyone knew it. Everyone except him, apparently. “You’re right,” he managed. “She would not betray me.”

Cyril nodded in agreement. “No, she would not, but Yosef left the event suspiciously early. It’s possible he planned the night to go very differently.”

Thinking back to the state in which he’d found Aubrey that night, Jarah paled. She’d been terrified and fleeing someone.

“I’m going to kill him,” Jarah whispered.

“He didn’t touch her,” Nura said quickly. “That much she made clear to me. Aubrey is no spineless fool, to be so easily manipulated, but she fears she will continue to face problems like Yosef, because she is an American. Problems that will test you, Jarah, and your need to protect Rihamel. I suggested that you two living separate lives might make things easier—”

“You did what?” Jarah roared and jumped up. “Why would you do that?”

His mother just picked up her coffee and calmly sipped from it. “You don’t love her. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

Panicked, Jarah pulled out his phone. She was just going on a vacation, right? Two weeks and she’d be back?

Or had Aubrey left him because she didn’t think he would protect her?

* * *

Dirt covered her fingers as Aubrey dug around in the soil. It was idle work, pulling weeds. The weather was turning chilly, and the weeds would die off soon, but she’d needed to do something, To be outside.

Two days had passed since she’d arrived at the vineyard. Her grandmother had greeted her with open arms and had seen the baby bump immediately. Tearfully, Aubrey had broken down and confessed everything. As the words tumbled out, it felt like each one was more ridiculous than the last.

She’d been bought as a bride and then expected her husband to love her. As Jarah would have said, it was romantic nonsense.

Her grandmother had just listened and then held her when she cried. She hadn’t said a word about Jarah’s buying the vineyard behind her back and gifting it back to Aubrey. Instead, all the focus was on her and the baby. They’d talked for days.

Now the sun was setting. It would be dinnertime soon, but she couldn’t find the energy to get up and wash her hands. She still wasn’t hungry.

“With as much as I paid for this vineyard, I would have expected it would come with workers to do that sort of thing.”

Aubrey didn’t even pause as she tugged at the stubborn weed. Half an hour ago, she’d seen three dark sedans pull up the long drive to the house. It surprised her that he’d made the trip, and she desperately hoped that he wasn’t about to cut her vacation short.

She wasn’t ready to return to that life.

“There are plenty of workers, although weeding isn’t a high priority. I just wanted to be out in the sun.”

“Plenty of sun in the desert.”

The weed sprung free, flinging dirt. “That’s true.”

“Your grandmother is baking cookies for my guards while she makes at least two more pot pies. They’re just sitting at the table staring at her.”

The thought of half a dozen hardened guards trying to decide whether her grandmother was a threat or not was fairly comical. “She’s a good cook. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the cookies and the pot pie.”

“They’ll leave some for us. Would you prefer to eat out here or inside?” She shivered just a little, and he was there, wrapping a blanket around her. Why did he even have a blanket? Grandmother must have told him that she might be cold. “Inside, where it’s warm?”

“That’s fine. I need a shower.”

“May I walk you back?”

He was asking? Aubrey held up her hands, and he gently pulled her to her feet. As she wrapped her blanket tighter, she got a good look at him. He was dressed in dark pants and a sweatshirt, one she knew well. Unable to help herself, she chuckled. “You realize that sweatshirt belonged to my grandfather, right?”

“Yes, well, when your grandmother realized we hadn’t packed for cooler weather, she pulled out all his old things. My guards are wearing flannel. It’s not even that cold.”

“She can be persuasive.”

“I’ve noticed.” He held out his hand, and for a moment, she was tempted to take it, but she just shook her head and started toward the house. He followed.
