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They said goodbye to her grandmother, and Emily promised to visit very soon. Aubrey knew she would. All she could talk about on their last day was the fancy palace they lived in and how much she wanted to see it.

They’d taken a few more days for themselves before making arrangements to fly back. The private jet left at six o’clock in the morning, and when they were allowed to move around, Jarah pulled Aubrey from her seat and into his lap.

She still couldn’t believe that it was true. He’d come for her. He loved her. They were going to make this work.

“Will I have to resume my lessons with Silaah?” she asked, wrinkling her nose.

Jarah laughed. “No, I think I’ll let my mother take over. My father’s cousin means well, but my mother wants to spend more time with you. You know that she did all of this on purpose.”

“Did all of what?”

“Sent you away. I can guarantee that not a single marriage within the royal family has a continent separating them. She knew it would take something drastic to get me to open my eyes to what really mattered.”

“You weren’t the only one,” Aubrey sighed. “I was so concerned with being a perfect wife, I forgot how to be me.”

“I would never want that.”

“I was thinking about asking Mikal about some ideas for the vineyard. I know he’s busy, and I also know that he doesn’t like me. I thought maybe spending some time together would help,” she said hesitantly. “Or do you think that will just annoy him?”

“Not at all. Mikal loves a challenge. Honestly, you don’t have to worry about him. He likes you more than you think. You challenge him.”

He kept her in his lap for most of the flight, and they chatted lazily, never discussing what was still between them. If Rihamel suffered because of the actions Jarah took against Yosef, she would never forgive herself.

Finally, when she could keep quiet no longer, she pushed away from his chest and looked up at him. “You can’t go public with what Yosef did. You can’t punish Hal Rabat…”

“Hush, Aubrey. You let me worry about Yosef.”

“No, you said that as long as I trusted you enough to come to you, that we would decide things as a couple.”

After a moment, he nodded. “Very well, but we won’t discuss it until we get home.”

With a sigh, she lifted her head to kiss him. Instead, just before their lips met, she gasped and pulled back. “Aubrey? Is everything all right?”

Eyes wide, she grabbed his hand and pulled it to her belly. “He kicked! Our baby kicked!”

Jarah inhaled sharply, and Aubrey couldn’t help but grin. The strange fog that had surrounded her ever since discovering that she was pregnant lifted, and she finally felt her baby. Not just the nausea and swollen…well, everything, but the life growing inside of her.

The life that she and Jarah had created together. “He’s strong, like his mother,” Jarah whispered as he kissed the top of her head. Feeling safe, she let her eyes drift closed, knowing that in that moment, no matter what happened, she and Jarah were going to be just fine.

The moment Aubrey and Jarah set foot back in the palace, the family swarmed them, their faces lit by smiles, their greetings by warmth. Nura winked before giving her a hug, and Mikal was anxiously waiting reports of how she found the vineyard. He nodded in agreement when she mentioned her plans.

Bibi had a thousand apologies for leading Aubrey astray, although she insisted that Aubrey must have misunderstood.

“No matter how it happened,” Aubrey said with a smile, “it seems that no lasting harm was done.”

Before she and Jarah retired that evening, Cyril drew her aside.

“I have a plan for how to deal with Yosef. I know you’re concerned about the truth coming out, but Rihamel loves you. They will stand behind you, no matter what.”

“I just want to be sure—”

“Stop stressing, my dear, and listen.” Cyril translated newspaper articles that dated to before the trip to Hal Rabat, declaring the American princess beautiful, kind hearted, smart, and loyal.

Aubrey blushed at the praise. “All right. What’s your plan?”

* * *
