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The people had taken to the streets, singing, laughing, and tossing confetti. A barrier had to be set up around the hospital so ambulances could still get in, but it was the biggest crowd Aubrey had seen in…well, ever.

“Is it normally like this?” Emily remarked with a frown.

“Babies are special in Rihamel,” Nura said with a smile. “Although I can’t say I remember this from when my children were born. Everyone is very excited for the new prince.”

“God, a prince. Who would have thought I would have a prince for a great-grandchild?”

From the bed, Aubrey slowly blew out her breath and looked out the window. There were banners, some in Arabic and others in English, all cheering her on. It was surreal, but a vision she would have to relish later. Right now, she had an important job to do.

The next painful contraction hit, and she squeezed Jarah’s hand.

Her grandmother had flown in a couple of weeks ago in preparation for the birth. Aubrey wanted her grandmother with her, and Emily was loving Rihamel. No one would be surprised if she decided to stay. Cyril found her to be a force of nature, often finding a reason to leave the room whenever Emily was there, but she and Nura had bonded quickly, much to Cyril’s horror.

Aubrey was comforted by having both women with her now. The birthing suite was huge, big enough to fit all the women of the Ramzi family, which was tradition. Luckily for Aubrey, the twins had no intention of joining them, and when Nura learned that Aubrey wanted the birth to be as private as possible, she made excuses for why Silaah’s wife and the other women of the family shouldn’t attend.

“You’re doing great, sweetheart. Just breathe,” Jarah said soothingly as he placed a cool cloth on her forehead.

“I know how to breathe,” she grumbled as the contraction subsided. Immediately, she winced. “Sorry, you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing, and I’m being…”

“A woman giving birth,” Nura said immediately. “And you have nothing to apologize for. When the twins were born, I refused to push until a lawyer was present because I wanted a divorce. When I was told I couldn’t have it, I wanted a contract drawn up to not have any more children.”

Another contraction hit. Aubrey grunted through it and then looked at Jarah. “No lawyers,” he said immediately. “If you don’t want any more children, that’s fine, but there will be no divorce.”

“Never,” she laughed when the contraction was over. Curious, she glanced over at her mother-in-law. “You didn’t have any more children after the twins. Did you get Cyril to sign the contract?”

“I didn’t need to,” Nura said with a wink. “The threat of divorce was enough.”

That made everyone except Jarah laugh. A moment later, the doctor returned to check on her progress. “All right. It’s time to push.”

An agonizing hour and a half later, it was Jarah who was sweating, swearing, and promising no more children. And Salem Joseph Ramzi, Prince of Rihamel was born.

“Named after his two great-grandfathers, who will watch over him from the heavens,” Jarah said as he leaned over to kiss his child on the head.

Aubrey just stared at the perfect little boy they’d created. Created out of passion and born into the love of a family and the adoration of a kingdom.

Nura and Emily left with the doctors and nurses to give them some peace. Outside, Cyril was already announcing the boy’s birth, but Aubrey and Jarah were too busy with their son to notice what he said.

“I’ve never had much of a family,” Aubrey said quietly. “I never thought of myself as deprived, but here, there’s just so much love. I’m so glad Salem will have that.”

“There will be a time when he won’t be as glad,” Jarah chuckled. “A time when he’ll want his independence, to do something away from the family. When that time comes, I promise to give it to him. I won’t have him spend his whole life burdened with responsibility.”

“I know you won’t. You are a wonderful man, Jarah, and you’re going to be a wonderful father and an incredible leader. Don’t focus on your fears.”

“No.” Tightening his hold around her, he kissed the top of her head. “Instead, you will be my guide. You and all the love that you have to offer.”

He had plenty of love to offer himself, but Aubrey didn’t need to tell him that. In time, he would figure it out for himself. She would make sure of it.
