Page 49 of Secrets

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James: Bullshit. We all saw the way you look and act around each other. Sure, it’s changed since we were kids. It was more. Dude, it was fucking deep! You guys are made for each other.

James: Brian thinks you’re an idiot too.

Archie: I’m going to have someone else take over being her bodyguard.

James: That’s a mistake and you know it.

Archie: It’s my mistake to make.

His eyes methers and it was like all the air in the room was sucked out. For a moment, she was his. For a moment, he was happier than he’d been in a while. For just a moment, he didn’t have to worry about past regrets.

The rest of the date was just as annoying. They laughed over the pinball machine. They shared a plate of fries. They laughed over a game of mini-golf. Then he asked her out again. How long was this guy even in town for?

By the time they got back to her house, he knew he was going to have to tell her. He was leaving and someone else would protect her. It was the only choice. He couldn’t stand around and watch her with someone else.

He planned on researching this Luke guy. He seemed like a good enough guy. His smile actually reached his eyes when he was with her. He was also nerdy and a bit of a goof. Archie hated how much Tabitha seemed to love that.

Tabitha was standing in front of the fridge when he decided to tell her.

“I’m going to make a snack and watch another movie if you want to join.” She spoke over her shoulder.

“I have something to tell you.”

She closed the fridge and moved to the pantry. “What’s up?” She pulled out popcorn and a box of sour candy.

“Someone else is going to be your bodyguard.”

She dropped the candy on the floor and it scattered. “What?” She bent over and quickly started picking it up.

“There’s something I need to do.” It was a lie. “So someone else is going to take over for your safety. I’ll still be around if you need something or if you need to go away for an event.”

Her hands slammed on the counter. “I can’t believe this.”

“You met Matt last weekend. He’ll be here tomorrow evening and I’ll fly out shortly after.” He couldn’t even look her in the eyes.

“Arch.” She pleaded.

“I’m sorry, Tabitha. I need to get back to my life. We both do.”

He turned and left the kitchen. He moved to the security office and opened up the laptop to Ryan’s security footage. The sooner they caught this guy, the sooner they could move on from this.

She deserved better than this and he was going to make sure she got to live her life as soon as possible, without having to worry about looking over her shoulder. Whatever it took.

Seventeen YearsEarlier - Age 15

They playfully bumpedinto each other's shoulders as they went past the gate. The Airshow was one of Tabitha’s favorite events that took place in their town. She always said if she could have any superpower, it would be flying. It didn’t surprise him, as much as she daydreamed. Her head was in the clouds most days anyway.

Their eyes rose to the sky as the sound of them came closer. He watched as two of them dove in and around one another. It was incredible. He wasn’t normally one to call something beautiful, but it was.

“It’s special.” A voice spoke nearby.

Archie turned to see a man in uniform standing in front of a table and banner promoting the Air Force.

“Yes, sir.” He smiled and walked closer.

“No place I’d rather be than up in the clouds.” He nodded.

“It’s always fascinated me.” Archie didn’t doubt the feeling of being in control of something like that up there.
