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“Sounds great.”

* * *

Chance turned and forced himself to smile. She looked rested, but she also looked happy to be home. That was enough. It had to be enough. Her happiness to see the twins was all he was allowed. “Good. I’ll see you around six or so.”

He left the house and made his way through the bitter winter wind to his SUV. He jumped inside, hit the button for a CD and pretended everything was fine. He hadn’t missed the hell out of her for the week she was gone. He hadn’t wanted to kiss her hello, brag about how good the kids were at his mother’s Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties. He hadn’t wanted to tell her how much the kids loved the Christmas gifts she had chosen.

He wouldn’t let himself think of wanting those things because they were irrelevant. But that didn’t stop the ache in his chest for something he couldn’t have. His only choice was to wish she’d walk away from a commitment that actually made her the strong, loyal woman that had drawn him. And the thought of wishing that turned his stomach.

But he was so alone and so tempted that something had to give.

In fact, he genuinely believed his head was telling him he should continue to remind Tory that a real man wouldn’t expect a woman to wait for him under these circumstances.

But his heart simply wouldn’t let him. He’d seen the hurt look on her face when he’d suggested it before. He couldn’t bear to see that look again.

When he reached his office, his brother Max was waiting for him, sitting behind his desk, as if he belonged there.

“So, here he is, man of the hour with the two cutest kids in the world.”

Chance slid his briefcase to his desk and shrugged out of his topcoat. “Your kids aren’t so bad themselves.”

Max rose. “Trisha’s a handful.”

“Trisha is you about thirty years ago. Just wait till she goes to the pet store and buys a rat.” He hung his coat in the closet then faced Max. “So what’s up? Why are you sitting at my desk?”

“I wanted to get you before anybody else did. Our partners from Japan surprised us with a meeting this morning.”

“Meeting or inspection?”

“They’re calling it a meeting but we all know it’s an inspection. I don’t care what’s on your agenda, cancel it. You and I will be playing tour guides all day.”

He groaned. “Really?”

“And turn off your cell. Nothing that happens today will be more important than these guys.”

He clicked the button to turn off his phone. “Got it.”

Max laughed. “And smile. You have two adorable children. You’re a partner in Montgomery Development and yet you still have time for your own company in Tennessee. Your mom loves you and you’re my brother. These guys think you have it better than Prince Harry.”

He snorted a laugh. When Max put it that way, he did feel ashamed for being so down today. He tossed his phone to his desk. Max was right. He had a lot more than most people. He should be happy and shouldn’t be pining over a woman he couldn’t have.

He walked out with Max, but in the last second, his nerves got the better of him. He couldn’t miss the chance to hear her voice, especially if she called to tell him something adorable one of the kids had done. “I’m getting my cell.”

Max sighed. “At least turn off the ringer.”

* * *

After the babies’ naps, Tory noticed a big change in Sam and called Cook. “He’s listless.”

“He has a cold.”

“This is more than a cold. I can feel it in my bones. I want to call Dr. Nelson. But I’d also like for you to come down in case Doc wants me to bring him into the office for another checkup.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

She called Dr. Nelson’s office, and as she suspected they wanted her to bring Sam in. As Cook slid him into a snowsuit, she put on her peacoat, grabbed her cell and speed dialed Chance’s number. In four rings, it went to voice mail.

“I don’t want to scare you, but Sam didn’t look very well after his nap so I called Dr. Nelson and he wants to see him again this morning.” She paused, giving herself a second to get the panic out of her voice. She seriously hoped there was nothing wrong with her sweet baby boy, that his listlessness was only another symptom of his cold, but she had a horrible, horrible feeling that it was more and she couldn’t shake it. “So call me when you get this.”

Cook put Sam in her arms and she raced out to her car, but Robert was already in the driveway with Gwen’s SUV. He opened the back door, revealing her twin car seats.
