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“It looks like things are very quiet here today.” She partially unzipped Cindy’s snowsuit. “But it’s sort of quiet everywhere. It snowed last night so everyone is driving slower and the people who don’t have to go out aren’t going out.”

She laughed as if he’d answered, and Chance’s heart broke.

“I know. I know. If I’d learn to ski I’d love snow too.” She laughed again, bounced Cindy on her hip. “But I’d rather be happy in my quiet dislike of winter. Because—” she smiled at him “—that just makes me love summer more.

“And I do love summer.” She suddenly glanced over and saw Chance standing in the doorway to the room, holding Sam. “Oh, Jason. I almost forgot to introduce you to Sam.” She motioned for him to come in. “And the twins’ daddy, my boss, Chance Montgomery.”

Chance smiled and said, “Hello,” because, as she’d told him before, they didn’t really know if Jason could hear or not. And if it helped her get through this situation, then he would simply go along.

A nurse in white scrubs dotted with pink and red Valentine’s Day hearts shuffled in, looking at a chart. When she glanced up and saw him, Tory and two babies, she gasped. “You can’t be in here.”

Tory said, “It’s okay. They’re with me.”

“Jason’s only allowed one visitor at a time. Two, when his parents are here.”

The nurse faced Chance and Chance gave her a pleading look.

“Okay, one minute for everyone to say goodbye, then everybody but Tory leaves.”

He nodded.

The nurse looked at the IV bag, made some notes and scurried away.

Chance moved closer to Tory, extending his arm to take Cindy. “The kids and I will wait in the cafeteria. Stay as long as you want.”

She smiled gratefully then her eyes suddenly filled with tears. “Thanks. It was nice of you to bring them along.”

He walked to the door but faced her again. Her happy expression was gone. All the sadness in her heart was evident in her eyes as she gazed at Jason.

And Chance knew the kids had made a difference. Maybe they gave her a way to focus on the future? Maybe they gave her a way to focus on something good? Maybe she just liked having them in her arms? Whatever the reason, she needed them.

* * *

He left the room and Tory sat on the chair beside Jason’s bed. “This is hard, Jace.”

He said nothing. And not only did he say nothing, but the room felt empty, devoid of his presence. Coldness swept through her. Bitter and frightening, it tightened her muscles, squeezed her heart.

So she jumped to the topic that always warmed the room. “Did you like the twins?” She laughed, or tried. Without the sense that he was listening, happiness was elusive, her efforts strained. “They, um, keep me hopping.”

She rose and walked to the window. Slatted blinds let only the tiniest amount of sun in, so she opened them.

“Actually, over the past few months, they’ve kept me from going crazy.” She faced the bed again. “You can’t imagine how hard this has been. I’ve been so alone for the past five years… Still, when Mom suggested I get a job, I fought it. Then I met the twins, and it was like I had sunshine in my life for the first time. They’re so alive. So vibrant. And so full of promise.”

She stopped. Promise. Actually, it was Chance who filled her life with promise. He’d listened when she talked about night classes. He’d helped her investigate a few schools. The kids made her laugh, but he made her happy.

Warmth seeped into her frozen soul, melted her heart, made breathing easy again.

While Jason lay on a bed dying.

And it didn’t matter what she said or did. It didn’t matter if every doctor in this hospital came into this room right now and did their very, very best to save him. He was dying.

Tears flooded her eyes. She walked back to the bed, took his hand as sobs tore through her chest. She let herself cry until there were no more tears, then she leaned in, kissed his cheek.

Stepping away, she let his hand fall to the bed. It did so lifelessly.

Chance suddenly appeared at the door. Chance, the guy who was always there for her.

For her.

There was no one who could help Jason. But she had Chance.

“Sorry to interrupt, but the nurses really need to be in here now.”

She glanced over at him. “Where are the twins?”

“They’re top billing at the nurse’s station.”

“Top billing?”
