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When I finally end the call with Natalie, after telling her everything else there was to know about my trip here, it was time to go.

“You have work in the morning. You should get some more sleep.”

“I’ll talk to you soon, Noah,” she says. “I’m so happy you went after her. You deserve the happy ending.”

I grin. “For the first time, I agree with you. Sweet dreams, Nat.”

Chapter 29


Noah is here. In Paris. Not only that, heknows.

“I can’t believe you told him,” I say to Michelle, trying to sound accusing. But I can’t stop smiling.

“Someone had to do it,” Michelle says. She sounds pleased with herself. “I couldn’t stand how down in the dumps you were.”

“I wasn’t,” I retort. “You haven’t even seen me in a month.”

“But I know you. Come on, Ray, we’ve been friends forever. I know when you’re not okay. And you were pining for him. When I went to see him about Natalie, I could see the poor guy was hurting, too. But I wasn’t going to send him over there without him knowing all the facts.”

Michelle really is a great friend. She looks out for me, and even though she butts into my business far too much, I love her for it. She takes care of me.

“I have to go; he’s coming over soon,” I say. “I dropped Ava off at Maria’s for the night so we can figure this out. We need to talk.”

“Andnottalk,” Michelle adds with a giggle.

I laugh. “That’s not what tonight is about.”

“Sure,” Michelle says, and I can’t see her waggling her eyebrows. “Are you going to tell him about Jean-Pierre?”

“He knows about him. He ran him off, remember?”

“Yeah, I know, but I mean the whole story.”

“He deserves to know what he’s up against. I don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of Jean-Pierre. Until he realizes Noah is here to stay, he’s going to try to look for trouble.”

“Well, now you have a knight in shining armor to look after you.”

I giggle. Michelle is right; that’s exactly what Noah was. He arrived at just the right time and saved me.

“I have to go,” I say. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“And tell me everything,” Michelle demands.

“You know I always do,” I say.

Michelle wishes me luck, and we end the call.

I shake my head, smiling. Thanks to Michelle, my whole life changed. In so many ways.

I walk to the kitchen and check on dinner. I’m making roast chicken and vegetables for Noah. My stomach flutters for nerves.

When I was in New York, I spent so much time with him. He’s not a stranger. But tonight, I’m nervous about seeing him, about this date. Because it’s not just a date, and it’s not the two of us feeling each other. This is about the future. We’re going to talk about Ava and how we’re going to handle this. We’re going to figure out work and living arrangements and everything else we need to talk about to understand the future we’re heading toward.

When the intercom goes off, I buzz Noah in. A short while later, he knocks on my door.

I let him in. As soon as he’s inside, he grabs me and kisses me until I feel like I’m melting into a puddle on the floor.
