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“The found lungs for her,” she says.

My dad stares at the nurse before he sags. I grab onto him

“We have to find the doctor,” I say. “Let’s go.”

We hurry out of the room to find the surgeon. He’s on his way to the operating room when we find him.

“We couldn’t get through, and I didn’t have time to waste,” he says. “I’m sorry. We found lungs for her, and she’s going into surgery right now. A crash victim came in a few minutes ago. Brain dead. His family donated all his organs, and your wife got the lungs first. It was so close, but we’re there. All the forms are filled out already so we went ahead.”

He pushes into the operating room, and Dad and I stand in the hallway, shell shocked staring at the door where the doctor disappeared.

When I turn to him, my dad looks like he’s going to faint.

“It’s going to be okay, Dad,” I say.

“We don’t know that yet.”

“Iknow,” I say. “We didn’t come this far for it to end.”

His face crumples and I lead him to the waiting room where we’ll wait as long as it takes, until we know she’s safe.

It was a very long tunnel. But the light at the end of it is getting closer.

And soon, all this will be over. I just know it will.

Chapter 34


Michelle texts me to go to her office. I feel sick—the morning sickness isn’t letting up, no matter what I do.

I haven’t gone to a doctor yet. I’ll have to do that soon. And then maybe the doctor can suggest something for the nausea. It’s at the point where I worry I’ll throw up in the office at any given moment, and everyone will know something’s wrong.

Or they’ll guess the truth and I’m not ready for that yet.

I knock on Michelle’s door and open it when she calls for me to enter.

“She’s here now,” she says and smiles at me.

Rachel is there, too. And when Michelle turns the laptop, Raven is on video call. Her black hair has been cut short in a stylish bob and straight fringe and she wears a shirt with an exaggerated collar that makes her look like she just stepped off the runway herself. It’s dark behind her—they’re quite a few hours ahead of us in Paris.

“Nat!” Raven cries out. “I had to tell you face to face how incredible these designs are!”

“Oh,” I say, blushing. “I didn’t come up with them alone.”

“No, but Rachel tells me the concept is yours, and I’m blown away! Do you have any idea how incredible this is going to be on the runway at London Fashion Week? We’re going to kill it!”

I blush harder. “I’m so glad you’re happy.”

“Happier than you can imagine. We’re coming to the States soon, and then I want to see a couple of mockups in person.”

“Here?” I ask.

Raven nods. “When I told Michelle I want you to spearhead the projects, I meant it! Get your team to put the patterns together, and we can get the factory on board to make the designs. I want to see them on models in a couple of weeks if you can manage it.”

“A couple of weeks,” I say.

Raven nods. “Our timeline is short—we have a lot to do before we can get it to Fashion Week. But I have faith in you!”
