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“I can see how that might feel scary. Are you serious enough about Mason to bring your late husband’s family into the mix?”

“Not yet,” I say. “He hasn’t even met Kylie yet, and I won’t even think about him doing that until I’m sure of him. But in the long run…”

“You’re thinking about long-term plans with Mason,” Dianne confirms.

Only when she says it in so many words do I realize that yes, I do think long-term with him. It shocks me a bit, but then, how could I not? I have Kylie and I can’t think about flings. I’m not the type to have a fling anyway. And my relationship with Mason just doesn’t feel like it should end.

“I am,” I admit and smile at the thought. “I really am. I think the only person who might be fine with it right off the bat is Sam.”

When Dianne looks confused, I realize I haven’t told her anything about him at all. I fill her in on the call I got from him and how I’m helping him with that thing.

“I’m glad you’ve reconnected with Sam again,” Dianne says, making a note in my file. “Do you see him often?”

“I was at his place just before I came here,” I say. “He wanted to let me know he found a venue and we had a quick visit.”

“Oh, that seems like a big ask after you’ve been cut off from each other for so long?”

I shrug. “It’s better to put the past behind us, right? And he needs me. I’m the only person who really gets him. Well, after David…he was the one who really understood Sam. But I feel like we have something in common.”

“It’s nice of you to help him out. You should just perhaps guard yourself.”

“From what?” I frown.

“Well, you’re spending a lot of time with him suddenly.”

“I don’t see how that’s an issue. You’re the one who keeps telling me I should go through the motions to put the past behind me, to move forward. Well, this is another one of those steps.”

Dianne sighs. “I understand what you’re trying to do. I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m just trying to tell you that when you’ve been shut off from his world for so long, and you open yourself up again, it’s hard not to let it overwhelm you or for boundaries to be crossed. You should find a balance. Let something in but go slow.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “What are you suggesting? I’m not suddenly running after Sam, too.”

“That’s not what I’m saying.”

“You’re telling me I shouldn’t let him in. He’s David’sbrother, Dianne. I’m not going to turn him away.”

“I can see you’re upset,” Dianne says.

“Yes! You keep telling me what to do, and now that I finally do it, you tell me I’m wrong.”

“That’s not what I’m trying to say.”

“Then what? I’m reconnecting with Sam. We haven’t talked since the funeral. I’m doing a good thing.”

Dianne nods. “And you’re telling me that David’s family might reject Mason.”

I shake my head, confused. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“They won’t reject Sam.”

I gasp. “So, you think I’m running after Sam because his family won’t give me so much trouble? God, Dianne, I thought you were on my side. Leaping from me thinking long-term enough about Mason to worry about David’s family to me wanting todateSam since he’s David’s brother…that’s a stretch, even for you.”

Dianne purses her lips. “I’m not trying to offend you.”

“You failed.”

She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, no doubt to bring her own emotions under control.

“If you plant a tree, and you water it, it will grow tall, with wide branches and roots so deep it’s hard to get rid of.” I frown, not sure where she’s going with this, but I keep listening. “If you don’t water it, it shrivels and dies and it's easy to yank up at the roots.”
