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“That’s not what this is,” he says again.

I shake my head. “I have to go. If you want to reschedule this meeting, that’s fine. I’ll make sure your clothes are ready for the weekend. But I won’t let you push me around like this.”

I turn and open the door. Blake doesn’t block me this time. Instead, he grabs my hand and yanks me back. I’m right up against him, and my anger wars with the sudden lust that washes over me.

“What are you doing?”

“Come to the retreat with me,” he says.

“What?” My voice is thin.

“You heard me.”

He looks at me, the storm back in his eyes, and I can’t say no to him. Everything in me screams at me to do the right thing and walk away. But Blake is a magnetic force of a man and I want to be with him more than anything.

Despite my logic, I nod.

He lets go of me, but I still feel the heat of his skin on mine. I feel him long after I leave his office and drive home to pack.

Chapter 15


I don’t know what the fuck came over me, but Rachel is coming with me to the retreat now. And as much as I keep telling myself I made a mistake, I’m fucking up, I can’t help but be excited about seeing her for a whole weekend.

“It’s not a bad thing, you know,” Emma says when I talk to her on the phone before Rachel arrives. I have a moment of panic about my choices, about getting hurt.

About hurtingher.

“You keep saying that,” I grumble.

“Maybe you should start believing me,” Emma says with a laugh. “I think it’s a good thing. Just go and enjoy yourself. Don’t worry about whatever it means and the bigger picture and your past. Just let go for a change. All you ever do is worry.”

She’s right. But I worry for a reason.

“She’s here,” I say when my doorman calls up on the other line.

“Go on, have fun!” Emma says and ends the call.

I don’t know how to have fun. I only know how to worry about every step I take, because I can’t afford to fuck up. But I’ll try—God, for Rachel’s sake, I’ll try.

I meet Rachel in the lobby.

“Is that all you’re bringing?” I ask when I look at her luggage.

“It’s a whole bag full of clothes for just a weekend!” she laughs.

“I thought you might bring more. But that’s fine, leave it here. Charlie will take care of it.”

The doorman nods when I talk about my driver, and we head to the parking garage where my Merc is parked.

Rachel’s eyes light up when she sees it and I chuckle. I love how much she loves my car. When she gets into the passenger seat next to me, I turn over the engine and rev it loudly. It’s pure, unadulterated power beneath us, and Rachel’s arms break out in goosebumps.

“I love this car,” She breathes.

I pull out of the parking lot and pull into the road. When I turn, I floor it.

We fly through traffic, weaving a line through the cars like thread. I push the car as fast as it will go, and when I glance at Rachel, she has a silly grin spread across her features.
