Page 74 of Let Them Talk

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“My relationships don’t last long because I bolt the minute a guy starts having expectations. In fact, my friendship with you is the longest relationship I’ve had with a guy. But that’s because you didn’t expect me to be a certain type of woman.” She took a deep breath. “You deserve the woman of your dreams and I’m not her. I can’t give you what you need.”

“I need you, Laura,” he explained as he took a step closer. “You are always there for me, you make me question everything and life is never boring around you.”

“I can still offer that in your life and just be your friend.”

“No, Laura, that won’t work anymore. I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. I can’t go back to being friends when I want to share my bed and my life with you.”

“You wanted me the moment we met? That’s not true,” she said in a grumble.

“You were dating someone at the time and I was determined to find someone who was ready to settle down.” He had hoped his desire for her would fade but instead it had only intensified each day. “I was happy to have you as a friend and didn’t allow myself to want anything more. But I can’t imagine my life without you.”

She slowly shook her head. “You might feel that way now but you will change your mind. I’m not going to fit into your life.”

“No, Laura. You are my life. I’m not going to keep holding back because I’m afraid I’m going to ruin something great. And you shouldn’t, either.”

“I’m not the nurturing type,” she pointed out.

“You are, just in a different way.” He should have seen it earlier. Maybe he had but hadn’t examined it too closely.

“I don’t cook,” she reminded him. “I hate housework and the only children I can tolerate are my nieces and nephews.”

He drew her closer and she didn’t resist. “But you love me.”

She didn’t deny it as she leaned against his chest. “Your dream didn’t include sharing your life with ‘the other Dawson’ girl.”

He slid his hand under her jaw and tilted her chin so she had to look at him. Connor’s heart gave a sharp little twist when he saw the hope and the concern in her eyes.

“Laura, I’m not making a compromise to be with you. I don’t want you to be like your sisters. All those things that make you different are what make you special. You should be proud of that.”

She straightened her shoulders. “You’re right. I should be proud of that. But you’re sure you want to be stuck with the ‘naughty one’?”

“Laura, I don’t see you like that.”

“How do you see me?”

“You are ‘the one’—the only one—for me,” Connor vowed as he kissed her.

One month later

IT WAS QUIET before the dinner rush at Dawson’s Diner. A few customers were at the counter enjoying their coffees and slices of pie while Laura and her friends were in a booth on the other side of the restaurant. Laura rested her arms on the table and leaned forward. “So, what do you think?”

Isabel rubbed her chin, her square-cut diamond engagement ring catching the light, as she considered the question. “I say yes. What about you, Sydney?”

Sydney had her chin propped on her hand as she stared out of the window. “Hmm?”

“Don’t mind her,” Laura told Isabel. “She’s been like this since she eloped with Matthew last week. I’m surprised she tore herself away long enough to attend the meeting.”

Sydney scowled. “You said it was an emergency meeting. I thought Laura was going to share some big news about Connor.”

“I only moved in with him yesterday.” Her smile widened as she remembered the pleased look on Connor’s face when he saw the explosion of her colorful clothes take over the closet. He was thrilled to have her there and making her mark on the house, and she was beginning to believe that it was possible for someone to love her. “I’m fast but not that fast.”

“What’s your vote, Laura?” Isabel asked.

“It’s a yes. Sydney?”

“Absolutely.” Sydney smacked her hand on the table. “I thought Miss Doris was going to cause trouble but she’s actually a great addition to the book club.”

“She’s really a romantic,” Laura said. “Did you see how she got Valerie and John to clear up that misunderstanding? She’s a sneaky matchmaker.”

“I did notice that,” Sydney said as she sat straighter. “Do you think she was working behind the scenes to match me up with Matthew? I mean, what other reason would she have had to give him my erotic diary?”
