Page 27 of Lady Bits

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With my eyesshaded by a pair of sunglasses, I watch Harley splash and play around in the pool with the other women. I’ve been fighting an erection for the last hour because of the tiny fucking bikini she’s wearing. What makes her look even hotter is the small baby bump that’s starting to show. If it wasn’t for every man here having a woman of their own, I would have flipped my shit when she pulled off her cover-up and revealed the little black triangles that barely cover her tits, ass, and pussy. Harley isn’t the only one skirting the edge of being indecent, and from the looks of the men, they’re having just as a hard time as me.

A beer appears over my shoulder, and I grab it, popping the top, and taking a long pull. Bryan drops down into the seat beside me.

“Do you think they all got together and planned this shit?” he asks, his own shaded gaze locked on Charlotte.

“Yes,” August and Brady answer at the same time.

“We’re in for years and years of trouble,” Wesley comments. “Not to mention, it’s not fucking right seeing my sisters wear shit like that.”

Rayn and Charlotte duck under the water and a moment later, Luna and Aleah are lifted up with their legs hanging over their shoulders. They move closer to each other and the two younger girls fight to knock the other off their perch.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Spencer grumbles, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“We need to limit these get-togethers,” Jamison says. “Unless we want blue balls for hours on end.”

“A-fucking-men,” Reed mutters under his breath.

I have no doubt that every guy here has at least a stiffy as we watch the girls play. It’s self-torture because we could easily look away, but damned if we don’t want to.

We’re all at Bryan and Charlotte’s place because the girls wanted to have a pool party and since it’s hot as fuck, we all agreed it was a good idea. We’re regretting that shit now. Nothing’s worse than having a hard-on for your girl with a group of guys around.

Aleah manages to knock Luna off Rayn’s shoulders and all the women think it’s the funniest thing in the world. They laugh and jump around, which causes their tits to almost spill out of their tops.

“I’m shredding that fucking bathing suit when I get home,” Spencer growls.

“Nah. Fuck that.” Kai tips his beer to his lips. “I’ll lock Penelope’s in a safe and make her wear it only for me.”

Harley, who must sense my eyes on her, looks my way. She can’t know for sure I’m looking at her because my sunglasses shade my eyes, but she knows ninety percent of the time if she’s around my eyes are pinned on her. Her mouth quirks up on one side, giving me a sexy smirk, before she blows me a kiss and does a finger wave.

I’ll spank her ass later because she knows exactly what she’s doing. All of the women do.

Having seen enough, I set my beer on the concrete and get up from my lounge chair, tossing my glasses down on the cushion before I stalk toward the pool. Harley sees me approach, and with laughing eyes, leaves the group of women and swims toward the deep end of the pool. I smoothly dive in, going straight for her. I find her on the other side of the pool near the edge, her legs lazily kicking the water. Once I reach her, I put my hands on her calves and slowly slide them up her legs, ending at her waist when I pop my head out of the water. I shake my head to clear the water away on my face.

Harley holds onto the ledge of the pool with one hand and her mischief-filled eyes stare at me. “You looked hot as hell up there in your sunglasses, looking all brooding.”

I cage her in by putting my hands on the edge of the pool on either side of her head. She lets go of the ledge, her legs going around my waist and her hot center rubs against my already hard cock.

“You like torturing me, don’t you?” I ask, my voice rougher than normal.

She lifts one of her shoulders, her lips twitching. “It has its merits.”

I lift a brow. “Which are?”

She slowly runs her tongue across her bottom lip and my eyes drop to her mouth. Leaning forward like she’s going to kiss me, at the last second, she veers to the right and her breath fans across my ear, where she whispers seductively, “I love how hard you take me when you’ve been sexually frustrated for hours.”

“Fuck me, woman,” I groan, dropping my lips to her shoulder and biting down lightly. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

I press closer to her, flattening her tits against my chest. I lift my head, staring into her gorgeous green eyes. “I love you.”

Her expression goes from being filled with so much fire I feel the heat from it, to soft and loving. “And I love you.”

A loud squeal and a splash pulls our attention to the other side of the pool. Camila laughs, hitting her hand against the water to splash Brady as he slowly moves toward her. A few feet from her, he dips beneath the surface and a second later, Camila’s eyes go round before she’s pulled underneath the surface.

I look around and notice the only couples in the pool are Harley and me, Camila and Brady, and Spencer and Aleah. Spencer is sitting on the bottom step with Aleah sideways in his lap, her arm around his shoulders as they talk quietly to each other.

Everyone else is out of the pool. Bryan and Charlotte are missing, and I’d bet they’re inside doing dirty things to each other.
