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“You know as well as I do that there’s never a year going by without at least one scandal, Dan. We’ve had sex scandals, financial irregularities, bribes, tax evasions, extra-marital affairs. The list goes on and on. And political advisors are the ones helping prevent it or clean up the mess. You know the saying about laying with dogs and getting up with fleas.”

“Or where there’s smoke, there’s fire, Val, which is a great reminder that our weather forecast is up next. Forest fires in—”

Hope turned the TV off and stared at the darkened screen. Her ears rang as if she was in an empty soundproof room, but that emptiness rang from within her.

The words spoken in the usual gleeful nightly news style echoed the newest, latest, and final testament to the fact that her instincts regarding men were truly and utterly fucked.

With hands as numb as her heart and mind, she lifted her phone that vibrated on the nightstand.

A missed call from Libby, followed by a text she read through the preview pane. “Hey sweetie, can I come over?”

She switched the phone off.

What had Jordan said that night? In that world, words were cheap, promises weren’t meant to be kept, nothing was done without a return, and that it had poisoned his blood. Now the love that she had allowed to transfuse into hers was turning into poison. Nothing else could explain the relentless grip that settled in her insides.
